

Sensible Bash

An attempt at saner Bash defaults. Inspired by Tim Pope's sensible.vim.

The config

Sensible Bash is intended to be a simple starting point for a better Bash user experience out of the box.

Refer to the commented source for a complete list of all the options with explanations. Here's a taste:

Smarter tab completion

Readline bindings to improve on Bash's default tab completion:

Saner history defaults

Sensible defaults for the command history:

Read more about the settings used here in the article Better Bash History by Tom Ryder.

Faster file system navigation

Options that considerably speed up the ability to navigate throughout the file system:


You can copy sensible.bash in your bashrc, cherry-pick the options you like, or source the file at the top of your bashrc:

if [ -f ~/bin/sensible.bash ]; then
   source ~/bin/sensible.bash


In order to get Sensible Bash to work correctly, make sure that:

See also
