



Plex Update is a bash script which helps you keep Plex Media Server up to date on Linux.

You can schedule updates to run daily and install Plex Pass beta releases if you have a Plex Pass membership.


In the old days, this used to be a bit of a chore. But no more!

bash -c "$(wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrworf/plexupdate/master/extras/installer.sh)"

will automatically install the tool as well as any dependencies. This has been tested on Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS but should, for the most part, work on any modern Linux distribution.

If you'd ever like to change your configuration, just re-run the installer from the extras folder inside your plexupdate directory. (/opt/plexupdate/extras/installer.sh by default)

If you have any trouble with the installer, or would just prefer to set plexupdate up manually, read the guide.

Advanced options

There are a few additional options for the more enterprising user. Setting any of these to yes will enable the function.

Most of these options can be specified on the command-line as well, this is just a more convenient way of doing it if you're scripting it. Which brings us to...

Command Line Options

Plexupdate comes with many command line options. For the most up-to-date list, run plexupdate.sh with -h

Here are some of the more useful ones:


Do I have to use the extras/installer.sh?

Of course not, anything you find under extras/ is optional and only provided as an easier way to get plexupdate.sh up and running quickly. Read the guide for installing plexupdate manually.

Why am I getting a warning about email and password being deprecated?

Since just storing your password in plexupdate.conf isn't secure, plexupdate will now use a "token" instead. To make this warning go away just re-run the installer (extras/installer.sh) or manually remove EMAIL and PASS from your plexupdate.conf. For more details, see this wiki article.

Need more information?

See https://github.com/mrworf/plexupdate/wiki for more information