


A Livebook Kino for learning to use the k8s Elixir library.

Module Version Last Updated

Hex Docs Total Download License


Install the latest 1.x version:

Mix.install([{:kino_k8s, "~> 2.0"}])

To install the latest from main branch:

Mix.install([{:kino_k8s, github: "mruoss/kino_k8s"}])

Smart Cells

kino_k8s brings the Kubernetes Client Smart Cell to your Livebook. It lets you perform a set of operations on your Kubernetes cluster and learn how to work with the kubereq library


Build and Watch Javascript and CSS

cd assets
npm install
npm run dev

Install and run livebook

mix escript.install hex livebook
livebook server ./dev.livemd

Build Assets

cd assets
npm install
npm run build