A single bar chart for iOS
- Clone this github repo
- Add the MRBarView directory to your project
MRBarView follows the usual data source pattern. You view controller should implement the protocol MRBarViewDataSource. The following methods are mandatory:
- numberOfSegmentsInBarView: Determines how many segments are in the bar view. Example:
- (NSInteger)numberOfSegmentsInBarView:(MRBarView *)barView {
return 5;
- valueAtIndex: Returns the value for a given segment. Example:
- (CGFloat)barView:(MRBarView *)barView valueAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return 4.13;
- colorAtIndex: Returns the color for a given segment. Example:
- (UIColor *)barView:(MRBarView *)barView colorAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return [UIColor redColor];
Optionally, you can return a label for each segment. Labels are shown below the bar.
- labelAtIndex: Returns the label for a given segment. Example:
- (NSString *)barView:(MRBarView *)barView labelAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
return @"Segment 1";
Notice that MRBarView will automatically calculate each segment's width in the bar by summing all the values provided by the datasource and calculating the proportion of each segment.
In addition to using the bar view by doing [[MRBarView alloc] initWithFrame:...], if you are using storyboards you can simply drag a UIView into a view controller and set its class to MRBarView.
The following properties are customizable:
- barBackgroundColor: The background color of the bar. Default: white.
- labelFont: Font for the labels. Default: system font, 14dp.
- labelColor: Color for the labels. Default: Black.
- barHeight: Height of the bar. Default: 35dp.
- barMargin: The margin between the bar and the borders of the container. Default: 10dp.
- roundedCorners: Whether the bar and the container have rounded corners or not. Default: NO.
To reload the bar view call reloadData:(BOOL)animated Check the sample project for documentation and usage options
- Better animations
- Provide a delegate protocol and allow the selection of segments
- Allow customization of segments (shadow, borders)