

Project Information

<p><b><h6>Name Project :</b>Drupal (Scanner Script CMS)</p> <p><b>Last version :</b>1.0.0</p> <p><b>Last updated :</b> 5/11/2016</p> <p><b>Programming language :</b> Perl</p> <p><b>Company name : </b><a target="_black" href="http://acyber.ir">acyber</a> (IT Security Lab Iran)</p></h6>


Build interactions using 4 web services modules in core: RESTful web services, Serialization, Hypertext Application Language (HAL), and HTTP Basic Authentication. Make Drupal the backbone for the unique series of external applications your project needs. Patch records in a CRM or marketing automation tool. Post to social platforms and send email campaigns from a Drupal site. Get granular control over which resources are available and how they’re accessed.


<ul> <li> Author : Mohamamd javad Joshani Disfani (mr.mtwoj) <li> Linkedin : https://ir.linkedin.com/in/joshani <li> E-Mail : mr.mtwoj@gmail.com <li> Website : www.acyber.ir <li> Twitter : <a href="https://twitter.com/MrMtwoj">@mrmtwoj</a> <li> Github : https://github.com/mrmtwoj/ac-drupal </ul>