

Seti UI Icons for Sublime Text

These icons have been lifted from the Seti_ST3 Sublime Text port of jesseweed's Github Atom theme. You can use it with any other Sublime theme you like, but only if they're dark - Soda Dark works especially well.

The screenshots below show

Seti screenshot Soda Dark 3 screenshot


Via Package Control

Not Yet. Probably not ever :(


  1. Download the .zip.
  2. Unzip and Copy the folder into Packages/User directory, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages... in Sublime Text.
  3. rename the unzipped folder to the exact name of your current theme's parent folder, for example "Theme - Soda"
  4. If your theme is Soda Dark 3, then create a new file called "Soda Dark 3" in the newly downloaded directory.
  5. Restart Sublime :)



Differences from the original