

Do not come here and open issues about problems with installation, crashes with bug check 0x109: CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION or questions on how to disable PatchGuard. I will permanently ban you from the issue tracker. If you don't know how to properly install the tool you don't know enough to use it responsibly and you should use something else like ScyllaHide. To disable PatchGuard, try EfiGuard, UPGDSED or Shark.


TitanHide is a driver intended to hide debuggers from certain processes. The driver hooks various Nt* kernel functions (using SSDT table hooks) and modifies the return values of the original functions. To hide a process, you must pass a simple structure with a ProcessID and the hiding option(s) to enable, to the driver. The internal API is designed to add hooks with little effort, which means adding features is really easy.

The idea for this project was thought of together with cypher, shoutout man!


Test environments


  1. Install Visual Studio 2013 (Express Edition untested).
  2. Install the WDK10/WDK8/WDK7.
  3. Open TitanHide.sln and hit compile!

Installation Method 1

  1. Copy TitanHide.sys to %systemroot%\system32\drivers.
  2. Run the command sc create TitanHide binPath= %systemroot%\system32\drivers\TitanHide.sys type= kernel to create the TitanHide service.
  3. Run the command sc start TitanHide to start the TitanHide service.
  4. Run the command sc query TitanHide to check if TitanHide is running.

Installation Method 2

  1. Copy TitanHide.sys to %systemroot%\system32\drivers.
  2. Start ServiceManager.exe (available on the download page).
  3. Delete the old service (when present).
  4. Install a new service (specify the full path to TitanHide.sys).
  5. Start the service you just created.
  6. Use TitanHideGUI.exe to set hide options for a PID.

Testsigning & PatchGuard

To enable testsigning run the following command:

bcdedit /set testsigning on

To disable PatchGuard, find a tool like KPP Destroyer to disable it (Google is your friend). To check if TitanHide is working correctly, use DebugView or check C:\TitanHide.log. You can also try EfiGuard, UPGDSED or Shark.
