


IDA plugin to patch IDA in memory.


  1. Copy idapatch.plw, idapatch.p64 and idapatch.ini to your IDA plugins directory.
  2. Use DebugView to see status.


You can add entries to your idapatch.ini:

[UniSoft (exetools) qstpncpy crash fix (IDA 6.8)]
enabled=1 ; optional (default '1'), set to 0 to disable this patch
module=wll ; optional (default 'wll'), 'wll' will patch ida.wll or ida64.wll, 'exe' will patch idaq.exe or idaq64.exe, anything else will patch a module with that name (clp.dll will patch in clp.dll)
search=03 C8 3B C1 72 14 80 3D ; search pattern, nibble wildcards (so ?? for one wildcard byte)
replace=03 C8 3B C1 72 14 EB 30 ; replace pattern, nibble wildcards