

<p align="center"> <img src="other/assets/raf-logo.png"> </p>

What's it?

Open-source library for generating valid phone numbers in the E.164 format based on upgraded metadata from libphonenumber

Why not just use the libphonenumber?

There are several reasons for this:

Ok, fine, how to use it?

First, find out which version is needed by looking at VERSIONS.md.

:bangbang: The version of libphonenumber in your project SHOULD BE EQUAL to the version of libphonenumber in the raf library. Otherwise there is no guarantee that the generated phones will be correctly parsed by libphonenumber. Be very careful here! :bangbang:

Then, add the following dependency:

// rafVersion is the version that you found in the previous step
"io.github.mr-tolmach" %% "raf-generators" % rafVersion

Finally, use it in your code:

import io.github.mr_tolmach.generators.E164Generators
import io.github.mr_tolmach.metadata.model.Regions
import io.github.mr_tolmach.metadata.model.PhoneNumberTypes

// for scalatest + scalacheck property-based testing

// to generate valid phone numbers for the AC region with any type of phone number

// to generate valid fixed-line phone numbers for the US region
E164Generators.phoneNumberGen(Regions.US, PhoneNumberTypes.FixedLine).sample