

Platform Engineering

HashiBits hashicorp.com - scroll to the bottom of the page secrets management, infrastructure as code, platform engineering


Hadoop Weekly hadoopweekly.com Hadoop ecosystem, Big Data

Hadoop Weekly is a summary of the week's top news in the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. It's aimed at developers or those trying to keep on top of the latest Hadoop developments.

Big Data Weekly bigdataweekly.com Big Data, Data Science

Big Data technology news and links delivered to your inbox, weekly.

NoSQL Weekly nosqlweekly.com NoSQL, Database, Big Data

A resource for everything happening in the NoSQL space.

DataElixir dataelixir.com/ Data Science, Big Data

A weekly collection of the best data science news, resources, and inspirations from around the web.

DB Weekly dbweekly.com Database

A weekly round-up of database technology news and articles covering new developments, SQL, NoSQL, document databases, graph databases, and more.

Postgres Weekly postgresweekly.com PostgreSQL, Database, MySQL

A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of PostgreSQL news and articles.

MySQL Weekly mysqlnewsletter.com MySQL

A newsletter to the MySQL community for all things MySQL.


Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence

Air Around AI Air Around AI. Air Around AI is a weekly newsletter of the top news, best tutorials, product launches and super tips on AI.


Web Development

HTML5 Weekly html5weekly.com Browsers, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

A once–weekly HTML5 and Web Platform technology roundup. CSS 3, Canvas, WebSockets, WebGL, Native Client, and more.

JavaScript Weekly javascriptweekly.com JavaScript, Browsers, Node.js, io.js

A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of JavaScript news and articles.

CSS Weekly css-weekly.com HTML, CSS, Design

A weekly e-mail roundup of css articles, tutorials, experiments and tools.

Web Tools Weekly webtoolsweekly.com HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Design

Web Tools Weekly is a front-end development and web design newsletter with a focus on tools.

ng-newsletter ng-newsletter.com AngularJS

Hand-picked content by the experts in Angular - delivered directly to your inbox.

Web Design Weekly web-design-weekly.com HTML, CSS, Design, UI/UX

A once a week email with no spam, no rambling. Just pure awesome links to the best web design news and articles to hit the interweb during the week.

Web Development Reading List wdrl.info/ Web, Design, Tools, JavaScript, Work life

A handcrafted, carefully selected list of web development related resources. Published usually every week.



Ruby Weekly rubyweekly.com Ruby

A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby news and articles.

Node Weekly nodeweekly.com Node.js, io.js

A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles.

Python Weekly pythonweekly.com Python

A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles, new releases, jobs etc. related to Python.

PyCoders Weekly pycoders.com Python

A free weekly e-mail newsletter, on Fridays, for those interested in Python development and various topics around Python.

TypeSafe Newsletter typesafe.com/newsletter Scala, Akka, Play Framework

News about the Play Framework, Akka, and Scala.

This Week in Scala www.cakesolutions.net/teamblogs Scala

A blog by Cake Solutions that provides newsletter updates. There's also a Week in DevOps series.

DotNet Weeklydotnetweekly.com.NET, Microsoft

Pulled together by the Dream Team Bill Stavroulakis, Ioannis Panagopoulos, and Marita Paletsou. Every Tuesday.



DevOps Weekly devopsweekly.com DevOps

A weekly slice of devops news.

StackShare Weekly stackshare.io/weekly Cloud services, DevOps, Various tools and products for development

A weekly roundup of the hottest tech company stacks and new tools and services from stackshare.io.



iOS Dev Weekly iosdevweekly.com iOS, Objective-C, Swift

A hand picked round up of the best iOS development links every week. Curated by Dave Verwer and published every Friday. Free.

Android Weekly androidweekly.net Mobile, Android, Java

A free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android development.

Mobile Web Weekly mobilewebweekly.co Mobile web development

A weekly round-up of the releases, articles, and links that affect Web developers working on the mobile-facing Web.

objc.io Newsletter objc.io iOS, Mac OS

A periodical about best practices and advanced techniques for iOS and OS X development.



RaspPi Weekly raspiweekly.com Raspberry Pi, Makers

A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles, cool projects, tools and libraries etc related to Raspberry Pi.

Founder Weekly founderweekly.com Startup scene

A free weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs featuring best curated content, must read articles,

how to guides, tips and tricks, resources, events and more.

SDNCentral Weekly sdncentral.com/subscribe-newsletter SDN

Get weekly or daily updates from SDN Central's blog posts covering the latest in SDN and network virtualization.

Remotive remoteworking.curated.co Project management, Remote working

A weekly curated publication full of interesting, relevant links for productive remote working and communication.


DZone Newsletter Java, Web Dev, Big Data, SQL, NoSQL, IoT, Performance, Cloud, DevOps, Enterprise Integration, Mobile, and more.

DZone's newsletter is hot stuff. If you're not already getting it you're missing out. Not only does it have our top articles each week from all of those topics, but it also has weekly features and special features like Code Golf, Dev of the Week, Polls, Surveys, and new Research Guides.

To register, just download any refcard or research guide!