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Clojars Project

Elasticsearch new low level rest-client wrapper


To quote "State of the official Elasticsearch Java clients"

The Java REST client is the future for Java users of Elasticsearch.

Because the legacy native client is a bit of a nightmare to deal with (for many reasons) and the new REST client is quite capable and fast too, see "Benchmarking REST client and transport client"

Not to mention it supports some interesting features:



(require '[qbits.spandex :as s])

(def c (s/client {:hosts ["" "https://foo2:3838"]}))

;; add optional sniffer
(def s (s/sniffer c {... options ...}))

Work with https via ssh tunneling

First setup and make sure that you have appropriate access to the host via tunneling.

e.g. Add/edit your ~/.ssh/config to look something like

# Example of tunneling in ~/.ssh/config
# .. more config
Host my-aws-elasticsearch-host 
  HostName 10.123.345.456
  User ec2-user
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-aws-elasticsearch.pem
  LocalForward 9200 vpc-my-aws-elasticsearch-host-lb43i.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com:443
  ServerAliveInterval 240
# .. more config

You can then start ssh tunneling with

# see manpage of `ssh` for more details
ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no my-aws-elasticsearch-host -N 

Then you can create your client using the following :http-client options like

;; if you are using tunnelling to host in AWS e.g.
(def client (s/client {:hosts ["https://localhost:9200"]
                       :http-client {:ssl-context (client/ssl-context-trust-all)
                                     :ssl-noop-hostname-verifier? true}}))

Constructing URLs

Most of spandex request functions take a request map as parameter. The :url key differs a bit from the original RING spec, it allows to pass a raw string but also a sequence (potentially 2d) of encodable things, keywords, .toString'able objects that make sense or nil (which could be caused by a missing :url key).

(s/request c {:url [:foo :bar :_search] ...})
(s/request c {:url [:foo [:bar :something "more"] :_search] ...})
(s/request c {:url :_search ...})
(s/request c {:url "/index/_search" ...})
(s/request c {:url (java.util.UUID/randomUUID) ...})
(s/request c {...}) ;; defaults to "/"

Blocking requests

(s/request c {:url [:entries :entry :_search]
              :method :get
              :body {:query {:match_all {}}}})

>> {:body {:_index "entries", :_type "entry", :_id "AVkDDJvdkd2OsNWu4oYk", :_version 1, :_shards {:total 2, :successful 1, :failed 0}, :created true}, :status 201, :headers {"Content-Type" "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Length" "141"}, :host #object[org.apache.http.HttpHost 0x62b90fad ""]}

Async requests (callbacks)

(s/request-async c {:url "/urls/url/"
                    :method :get
                    :body {:query {:match {:message "this is a test"}}}
                    :success (fn [response-as-clj] ... )
                    :error (fn [ex] :boom)})

Async requests: core.async/promise-chan

(async/<!! (s/request-chan c {:url "/urls/url/"
                              :method :get
                              :body {:query {:match {:message "this is a test"}}}}))


Scrolling via core.async (fully NIO internally), interruptible if you async/close! the returned chan.

  (let [ch (s/scroll-chan client {:url "/foo/_search" :body {:query {:match_all {}}}})]
    (loop []
      (when-let [page (async/<! ch)]
        (do-something-with-page page)

Bulk requests scheduling

"Faux streaming" of _bulk requests (flushes bulk request after configurable interval or threshold. Uses request-chan internally, so it's quite cheap.

(let [{:keys [input-ch output-ch]} (bulk-chan client {:flush-threshold 100
                                                      :flush-interval 5000
                                                      :max-concurrent-requests 3})]
  ;; happily takes a sequence of actions or single fragments
  (async/put! input-ch [{:delete {:_index "foo" :_id "1234"}} {:_index :bar} {:create {...}}])
  (async/put! input-ch {"delete" {"_index" "website" "_type" "blog" "_id" "123"}}))

;; setup an response consumer (we just want to make sure we don't clog this channel)
  (loop []
    (when (async/<!! (:output-ch c))


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API Docs


Or the clj.specs if that's your thing:

Running the tests

clj -X:test qbits.spandex.test-runner/run

clj -X:test qbits.spandex-test-runner/run


Copyright © 2018 Max Penet

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.