

mp3agic examples

Example applications using the mp3agic library.

All the examples are command-line applications written in Java, with corresponding wrapper shell scripts. If you're on MacOS or a flavour of Unix, you're set to use the scripts. If you're on Windows, try Cygwin or rewrite the bash scripts as bat/cmd files.


You will need:

Useful maven goals:

Installing command-line apps locally

The command-line apps can be installed locally for use on the command line by running the scripts/install.sh script, passing in the destination folder as a parameter. For example:

scripts/install.sh "/usr/local/mp3agic/"


If you have added a feature or fixed a bug and want to share it, please submit a pull request as follows:

Thanks for sharing!


Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Michael Patricios. See mit-license.txt for details.