mp3agic examples
Example applications using the mp3agic library.
All the examples are command-line applications written in Java, with corresponding wrapper shell scripts. If you're on MacOS or a flavour of Unix, you're set to use the scripts. If you're on Windows, try Cygwin or rewrite the bash scripts as bat/cmd files.
- mp3cat - lists the details of the specified mp3 file(s) in comma-delimited format
- mp3details - displays all the details of the specified mp3 file(s)
- mp3move - moves the specified mp3 file(s) to a new location, creating appropriate folders for the Artist and Album
- mp3pics - extracts the album art images from the specified mp3 file(s)
- mp3rename - renames the specified mp3 file(s) using data from the mp3 id3 tags
- mp3retag - retags the specified mp3 file(s)
You will need:
Useful maven goals:
- clean - remove binaries, docs and temporary build files
- compile - compile the library and applications
- test - run all unit tests
- package - package compiled code into a jar
Installing command-line apps locally
The command-line apps can be installed locally for use on the command line by running the scripts/ script, passing in the destination folder as a parameter. For example:
scripts/ "/usr/local/mp3agic/"
If you have added a feature or fixed a bug and want to share it, please submit a pull request as follows:
- Fork the project
- Write the code for your feature or bug fix
- Please don't auto-format the code or make wholesale whitespace changes as it makes seeing what has changed more difficult
- Add tests! This is important so the code you've added doesn't get unintentionally broken in the future
- Make sure the existing tests all pass
- Commit and do not mess with version, or history
- Submit a pull request
Thanks for sharing!
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Michael Patricios. See mit-license.txt for details.