


citation-plugin is a firefox plugin which presents the CitationCore library in a user friendly way in browswer. It is part of a larger effort, lead by Mozilla Science Lab, to develop a suite of tools that aim to implement a standard for citing software and making it easier to cite software correctly. To learn more about this project you can visit the Software Citation Tools repository.


To install:

cd Plugin
npm install 

Once the install script finishes, navigate to about:debugging#addons. Once there, select "Load Temporary Add-on", navigate to the Plugin directory and select the manifest.json and click load

Contributor Install

If you are interested in contributing to citation-plugin please follow these install instructions. They will add a pre-commit hook that will run our linter and reject commits that do not meet the project's coding standards. We are adhereing to the AirBnb style guide.

git clone https://github.com/mozillascience/citation-plugin.git
cd Plugin
cp dev/pre-commit .git/hooks/