


The status API service used by Project Haiku and its experiments

This is a simple proof of concept to enable development of prototype clients which can consume status updates. The implementation consists of simple file-system backed attributes served by expressjs


$ cd status-server
$ npm install

Starting Database

Install MongoDB on your computer:

https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-on-linux/ (Linux Systems)

https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/ (OS X)

https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/ (Windows)

Then, start up the database using:

$ mongod

With haiku-data.json in your current working directory run this command to import the data:

$ mongoimport --db haiku --collection users --drop --file haiku-data.json

Mongo CRUD Operations

First, start up the mongo shell:

$ mongo

To view all databases:

> show dbs

Use specific database:

> use `db_name`

View collections of current database:

> show collections

View contents of current database:

> db.your_collection.find().pretty()

Create operations to add new documents to a collection:

> db.collection.insert()
> db.collection.insertOne()
> db.collection.insertMany()

Read operations to retrieve documents from a collection:

> db.collection.find()

Example query to find all users who have status value set to 1 (status is "available"):

> db.collection.find({ "status.value": "1" })

Update operations to modify existing documents in a collection:

> db.collection.update()
> db.collection.updateOne()
> db.collection.updateMany()
> db.collection.replaceOne()

Delete operations to remove documents from a collection:

> db.collection.remove()
> db.collection.deleteOne()
> db.collection.deleteMany()

For more detailed examples:


Running Server

Run server in test-environment (no authentication required):

$ npm start

There are TWO ways to run the server in production-environment (authentication required):

  1. Open config.example.js replace the empty strings with your respective Github Client Id and Secret:
module.exports.info = {
  GITHUB_CLIENT_ID:  process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID || 'your github client id',
  GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET:  process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET || 'your github client secret',
  secret: process.env.secret || 'something'

2. Pass the environmental variables from the command line:

$ GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=123 GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=123 COOKIE_SECRET=something npm run production

Then from the command line run:

$ npm run production

We're using nodemon to watch for changes and the server will automatically restart when files change.


GET /user/:id/status


Returns a JSON object with the following fields:

PUT /user/:id/status



Returns a JSON object with the following fields:

GET /user/:id/message


Returns a JSON object with the following fields:

PUT /user/:id/message



Returns a JSON object with the following fields: