

This repository has been archived as read-only

We recommend looking at https://github.com/mozilla/eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized if you are interested in xss-prevention techniques.

ScanJS Rules through ESLint.

If you want to get something like ScanJS using ESLint. This is the config file.


npm -g install
* cp -v .eslintrc ~/.scanjs-eslintrc
<!-- Note that a globally installed eslint can see only globally installed plugins. So you either have to install eslint itself and then required packages locally Or everything globally. -->


cd project-to-scan/
eslint --no-eslintrc -c ~/.scanjs-eslintrc .

Usage within IntelliJ IDEs (WebStorm, PyCharm etc.)

  1. Open the Settings dialog and navigate to Languages & Frameworks → JavaScript → Code Quality Tools → ESLint.
  2. Enable ESLint and make sure your settings match your installation: Use a globally installed eslint package, the installer will place this in /usr/lib/node_modules/eslint or usr/local/lib/node_modules/eslint.
  3. Supply the config path ~/.scanjs-eslintrc
  4. Reset the default rules, by providing extra eslint options, so we only use the provided config. This disables the default eslint rules, which check for coding style, not security: --no-eslintrc -c ~/.scanjs-eslintrc .