

<div align="center" style="text-align: center;"> <h1 style="border-bottom: none;">nodemod</h1> <p>A collection of node modules for The Really Project</p> </div> <hr />

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Helper functions made specifically for The Really Project. All modules are shipped in ES Modules and users are required to create their own CJS builds if needed, or use esm for bundle-less module loader.

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# Install via NPM
$ npm i nodemod
# [OPTIONAL] Only install this as `devDependencies` if you do not use
# any bundler or compiler for your project. Note that all modules are 
# exported using ES modules. See Usage section for more details.
$ npm i -D esm


All modules are exported using JavaScript's ES modules. Users are recommended to use esm to run their scripts.

// index.js
import { html } from 'nodemod/dist/lit-ntml/index.js';

await html`<h1>Hello, World!</h1>`;
$ node -r esm index.js # Run script with `esm` to transpile ES Modules on the fly.

Available modules

Deno equivalent

Showing some ❤️ and support for deno.


MIT License © Rong Sen Ng

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