

Getting started with the Internet Computer ♾.

This repository contains curated content from the 1st edition of the <a href="https://github.com/motoko-bootcamp/bootcamp" target="_blank"> Motoko Bootcamp </a> .

Lessons 📜

6 differents topics are covered, all the lessons are focused on Motoko. <br/> For each topic, a guide is available and a set of challenges with their solution are also available.

Lectures 🎬

Each lecture is approximately 1 hour long and was held live by one of the bootcamp mentor.

This repository also contains the code during some lectures.

Ressources 📚

Links to other helpful ressources.

<a href="https://medium.com/dfinity/motoko-a-programming-language-designed-for-the-internet-computer-is-now-open-source-8d85da4db735" target="_blank"> An article by DFINITY that summarizes Motoko concepts. </a>: Motoko, Candid, Web assembly...

<a href="https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/ic-overview" target="_blank"> Internet Computer documentation </a>: The main documentation website for the Internet Computer.

<a href="https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/build/cdks/motoko-dfinity/motoko" target="_blank"> Motoko Language documentation </a>: The main documentation for the Motoko language.

<a href="https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/motoko-ref/" target="_blank"> Motoko Types documentation </a>: A reference for the Motoko base library types and their functions.

<a href="https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/cli-reference/dfx-parent" target="_blank"> DFX documentation </a>: The main documentation for the DFX command line tool used to deploy and manage dapps on the Internet Computer.

<a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://m7sm4-2iaaa-aaaab-qabra-cai.raw.ic0.app/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1646578646250914&usg=AOvVaw2t9ssTnoubsEHh3XlqkTl9" target="_blank"> Motoko playground </a>: A sandbox to quickly write and test Motoko code from your browser.

<a href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dfinity-foundation.vscode-motoko" target="_blank"> Motoko extension </a>: A Motoko extension for Visual Studio Code that provides syntax highlighting.

<a href="https://github.com/orgs/DFINITY-Education/repositories" target="_blank"> Dfinity education repo </a>: Educational ressources on datastructures, web development, blockchain and more.

<a href="https://internetcomputer.org/samples/" target="_blank"> Examples </a> : Sample code and applications written in Rust or Motoko.

<a href="https://github.com/MioQuispe/create-ic-app" target="_blank"> create-ic-app </a>: Template project for major frameworks (Vue, React, Vanilla JS,Svelte).

<a href="https://github.com/dfinity/invoice-canister" target="_blank"> The invoice canister </a>: processing payments on the IC. 💰

Communities 👦