

<p align="center"><img src="logo.svg" width="196" height="196"></p>

[!NOTE] This is the MOTIS 2 beta version. You can find the 0.x.y legacy branch here.

[!TIP] :sparkles: Join the international MOTIS community at motis:matrix.org

MOTIS stands for Modular Open Transportation Information System. It is an open-source software platform designed to facilitate efficient planning and routing in multi-modal transportation systems. Developed to handle large-scale transportation data, MOTIS integrates various modes of transport - such as walking, cycling, sharing mobility (e-scooters, bike sharing, car sharing), and public transport - to provide optimized routing solutions.

MOTIS currently supports the following input formats:

Planned: GTFS-Flex, NeTEx and SIRI

MOTIS provides an easy-to-use REST API (JSON via HTTP) with a OpenAPI specification that allows you to generate clients for your favorite programming language.


:rocket: MOTIS is optimized for high performance with low memory usage.

This enables planet-sized deployments on affordable hardware.

MOTIS is a swiss army knife for mobility and comes with all features you need for a next generation mobility platform:

MOTIS uses efficient traffic day bitsets that allows efficient loading of full year timetables! Loading one year of timetable doesn't take much more RAM than loading one month.

Features can be turned on and off as needed.

Quick Start

./motis my.osm.pbf my.gtfs.zip

This will preprocess the input files and create a data folder. After that, it will start a server.

[!IMPORTANT] Ensure a valid timetable is used. If the timetable is outdated, it will not contain any trips to consider for upcoming dates.

This script will execute the steps described above for a small dataset for the city of Aachen, Germany:

Linux / macOS

# set TARGET to linux-arm64, macos-arm64, ... to fit your setup
# see release list for supported platforms
wget https://github.com/motis-project/motis/releases/latest/download/motis-${TARGET}.tar.bz2
tar xf motis-${TARGET}.tar.bz2
wget https://github.com/motis-project/test-data/raw/aachen/aachen.osm.pbf
wget https://opendata.avv.de/current_GTFS/AVV_GTFS_Masten_mit_SPNV.zip
./motis aachen.osm.pbf AVV_GTFS_Masten_mit_SPNV.zip


Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/motis-project/motis/releases/latest/download/motis-windows.zip -OutFile motis-windows.zip
Expand-Archive motis-windows.zip
Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/motis-project/test-data/archive/refs/heads/aachen.zip -OutFile aachen.zip
./motis aachen.osm.pbf AVV_GTFS_Masten_mit_SPNV.zip
