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An implementation of the aurweb (v6) - /rpc - REST API service in go

goaurrpc allows you to run your own self-hosted aurweb /rpc endpoint.
This project implements the /rpc interface (REST API; version 5) as described here.

In it's default configuration, package data is being downloaded/refreshed from the AUR every 5 minutes.
The data is entirely held in-memory as opposed to storing it in a database for example.
This avoids the need to make heavy database queries for each request.
For a performance comparison, see Benchmarks

How to build

Config file

See sample.conf file. The config file can be loaded by specifying "-c" parameter when running goaurrpc.
For example: ./goaurrpc -c sample.conf. If this parameter is not passed, the default config will be used (sample.conf contains the defaults).

	"Port": 10666,
	"AurFileLocation": "https://aur.archlinux.org/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz",
	"MaxResults": 5000,
	"RefreshInterval": 300,
	"RateLimit": 4000,
	"LoadFromFile": false,
	"RateLimitCleanupInterval": 600,
	"RateLimitTimeWindow": 86400,
	"TrustedReverseProxies": [
	"EnableSSL": false,
	"CertFile": "",
	"KeyFile": "",
	"EnableSearchCache": true,
	"CacheCleanupInterval": 60,
	"CacheExpirationTime": 180,
	"EnableMetrics": true,
	"EnableAdminApi": false,
	"AdminAPIKey": "change-me"
PortThe port number our service is listening on
AurFileLocationEither the URL to the full metadata archive packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz or a local copy of the file
MaxResultsThe maximum number of package results that are being returned to the client
RefreshIntervalThe interval (in seconds) in which the metadata file is being reloaded
RateLimitThe maximum number of requests that are allowed within the time-window
LoadFromFileSet to true when using a local file instead of a URL for AurFileLocation
RateLimitCleanupIntervalThe interval (in seconds) in which rate-limits are being cleaned up
RateLimitTimeWindowDefines the length of the time window for rate-limiting (in seconds)
Trusted reverse proxiesA list of trusted IP-Addresses, in case you use a reverse proxy and need to rely on X-Real-IP or X-Forwarded-For headers to identify a client (for rate-limiting)
EnableSSLEnables internal SSL/TLS. You'll need to provide CertFileand KeyFile when enabling it. I'd recommend to use nginx as reverse proxy to add encryption instead
CertFilePath to the cert file (if SSL is enabled)
KeyFilePath to the corresponding key file (if SSL is enabled)
EnableSearchCacheCaches data for search queries that have been performed by clients
CacheCleanupIntervalThe interval (in seconds) for performing cleanup of search-cache entries
CacheExpirationTimeThe number of seconds an entry should stay in the search-cache
EnableMetricsEnables Prometheus metrics at /metrics
EnableAdminApiEnables the administrative endpoint at /admin
AdminAPIKeyThe API Key that is to be provided in the header for the /admin endpoint

Public endpoint

Feel free to make use of the following public instance of goaurrpc:


Future plans / ideas