

<h1> <div class="row"> <div class="column" align = "right" > <img src = "UltraTabSaver.png" alt="Logo UTN" width="90"></a></div> </div> <div class="column" align= "center"> Ultra TabSaver <h6> The open source Tab Manager for Safari. </h6> </div> </div> </h1>

Table of Contents

Help us to upload this App to the AppStore, free for everyone, the costs to upload the App to the AppStore are $100 (USD)

<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/UltraTabSaver" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 41px !important;width: 174px !important;box-shadow: 0px 3px 2px 0px rgba(190, 190, 190, 0.5) !important;-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 3px 2px 0px rgba(190, 190, 190, 0.5) !important;" ></a>

Note: To use Ultra TabSaver you need to have installed macOS Catalina or macOS Big Sur



This extension adds 3 main Features to Safari:


How to use it?

Pressing the extension icon or right click at any website this menu will open

How does it work?

When you select in Save Tab/Save All tab the extension get all the URL's of the Tabs in the current window and save them in the NSUserDefaults. All the Tabs are saved with a key, that key is the Tab Group name, that's why can't be two Tab Groups with the same name.

Building and running

To run you'll need to change the Xcode project settings for code signing to use your own certificate, or to not sign. To use an unsigned extension in Safari, you must check "Allow Unsigned Extensions" from Safari's "Develop" menu. If you don't have the "Develop" menu, you can enable it in the Advanced tab of Safari's prefs. For more info look here in How to debug. If you need help just open an issue and I'll give a step by step guide.

To do list


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3


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