


Safer is a tool that helps you sign & submit transactions to a Safe, without requiring any interaction with Safe's backend or frontend.

Safer is a set of Foundry scripts that can be used as fallback in case Safe App is down and the blockchain is the only thing that can be trusted.

Safer enables submitting complex transactions without the need of intermediaries.

Safer unlocks true DAO resilience.

Getting Started

Build a Safe tx

Sign a Safe tx

  1. To sign the data with a Ledger, run: make sign:ledger
  2. Share the content of data/signatures.txt with the signer who will execute the transaction on the Safe

Batch signatures and execute transaction

  1. Make sure at least threshold signatures are available in data/signatures.txt, each one per line
  2. To execute the transaction on the Safe with a Ledger, run: make exec:ledger

Advanced options

Hardware Wallet support

With make sign & make exec, one can also use any other wallet provider available with cast:

You can also append any cast parameter:

Transaction details

  "to": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "value": "0", // The tx value (in ETH), must be a string
  "data": "0x", // The raw tx data, must start with 0x
  "operation": 0, // 0 for a call, 1 for a delegatecall
  "safeTxGas": 0,
  "baseGas": 0,
  "gasPrice": 0,
  "gasToken": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // Indicates the tx will consume the chain's default gas token (ETH on mainnet)
  "refundReceiver": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" // Indicates the tx's refund receiver will be the address executing the tx