


Now featured on Awesome macOS Screensavers!

This is a Mac screensaver that I've been tinkering with since roughly 2002. I run it on all my personal machines, and have given copies to a few friends over the years, but hadn't made it publicly available for download.

After making some updates to it recently, I decided it was time.

<img src="Matrix.png"><img src="Matrix-config.png"><br>

Download the latest release here.

Unzip to Matrix.saver and double-click it to install, then go to System Preferences -> Desktop & Screen Saver and pick it from the list.

The "Renderer" popup switches betewen using OpenGL and Metal for rendering. The others are all pretty self-explanatory, although you might have to wait a bit to see what "Minor Instability" does. :)

Release notes:

Version 1.1.4

Version 1.1.3

Version 1.1.2

Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1