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Monoid is an open-source suite of tools for automating data privacy

See our docs for a more thorough introduction to Monoid.

Get started for free

Option 1. Two-line deploy

  1. Generate an encryption key with openssl rand -base64 32.
  2. Run ENCRYPTION_KEY=[key generated in the previous step] docker compose up.

Option 2: If you don't need to self-host

Monoid Cloud is available here! Contact jagath@monoid.co if you'd like any help getting set up.

Code Scanning

Monoid supports static analysis to detect privacy violations at the code-level. Check out the docs in the monoid-codescan directory.


Sign up for a paid plan to get white-glove support, regardless of how you choose to deploy. Contact jagath@monoid.co for more information.

For more information on getting set up, please check out our quick-start guide.

Monoid v1.0 Features (WIP)

Data Mapping

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11621962/202405009-85646a32-4ed0-4a4a-ac32-d06f6a322f14.gif" width=100%></img>

Scan your silos for information automatically and map PII.

Automated Scanning

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11621962/202404973-c948a9f9-80a7-4669-8c74-9fd693356c1a.gif" width=100%></img>

Schedule routine scans for updated schemas and new PII.

Data Deletion/Export Request Automation

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11621962/202386107-7ec9addb-0937-4e89-94f5-50610ffad096.gif" width=100%></img>

Automate user data deletion/export requests across all silos.

Getting the most out of Monoid

Documentation is available here.

Join our Slack community if you need help, want to chat, or are thinking of a new feature. We're here to help - and to make Monoid even better.


We believe that user data privacy is a fundamental right, and that the next decade will see an explosion of new regulations and standards around how companies handle data.

We also believe that even the most well-meaning companies can have poor privacy practices because being truly compliant is hard. If you're big enough to take on a privacy vendor, you're stuck with a pretty long integration process that doesn't handle the things you want it to; it's either missing the integrations you need out-of-the-box, or it doesn't handle automation so you're left doing the bulk of the work anyways. If you're not big enough to get a vendor, you're probably either sweeping privacy under the rug or spending a ton of time manually dealing with user data requests.

As the implications of holding user data get more dangerous (see: generative AI, deepfakes), regulation can only do so much to curb a disaster. We need tooling that's developer-first, that handles the heavy tail of data silos, and that automates data requests so they actually get carried out. We think that open-source is the way to go.

What's cool about this?

Monoid v1.0 is a data-mapping, PII-scanning, and right-to-know/right-to-delete request automation solution. We think that making this open-source solves a lot of blind spots of other solutions:


We value community contributions, especially around building new connectors. Our contributions guide is still WIP, but if you're interested in helping out, please feel free to make a PR or contact jagath@monoid.co

Open-source vs. paid

This repo is entirely MIT licensed.

Paid plans include support and cloud-hosted solutions. Contact us at jagath@monoid.co for more information.

Credit to PostHog and Airbyte for inspiration around public-facing materials (like this README!) and the design of our software (as well as OSS trailblazing!)