


This is the 2.0 Branch of monky. 2.0 has a couple of breaking changes, please look at the bottom for a summary.

monky is an application to feed status bars (like dzen2/i3bar) with a lines to display.

If you have any more questions or suggestions, come and join us (or rather me) on freenode at #monky.





Package managers


How to

How do I configure this, which modules exist?

Documentation generated with haddock.

Why does this config look like programming?

Because it is Haskell. The idea for this configuration style is taken shamelessly from xmonad.

Don't worry, you don't have to know haskell to build a simple configuration. And it enables those who know haskell to build whatever they like.

Why should I use a statusbar

It looks sleek with tiling window managers, e.g. xmonad.


The unicode glyphs used by UTF8/I3 outputs are rather obscure and may not be provided by your fonts.

For dzen

The default examples use .xbm files. They have been build with the nice icon pack from sm4tik. (This is hosted in the awesome wiki because the original source disappeared).

Copy them into ~/.monky/xbm/.

For the fancy clock example you will also need the .xbm files in this repo.


Ongy-PC config

Ongy-PC-NEW config

Ongy-Laptop config

2.0 branch

Laptop-2.0 config

This is from ONE screenshot. i3bar is running in a Xephyr which runs on the same DISPLAY as dzen2 and terminal. from top to bottom: dzen2, urxvt, i3bar. This example demonstrates the new output modes (and guessOutput). It also showes, that horizontal bars only really work in dzen. Also terminal is missing colorization. PC-variaty config started

2.0 breaking changes

General changes

Why monky for status generation

Why use monky instead of conky?

Why use this not i3-status