Praat on the Web
Web implementation of the extension of Praat for feature annotation also available for local use and downloadable separately from the following repository
A tutorial on the use of the basic functions of the web implementation of Praat for feature annotations is available in the following link
The link to the web application was and it is described in our publication (Domínguez et al. 2016). There has been a migration of the web to
This repository includes source code and documentation.
The application uses the MVC pattern with Java servlet model and is mainly developed in Java, JSP with style sheets and JavaScript. Using the following existent external libraries:
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- wavesurfer.js
- Sortable
Folder Structure
PraatWeb folder includes two subdirectories:
- src/edu/upf/dtic: contains all Java files divided in servlets and classes folders
- WebContent: contains all JSP, style sheets and JavaScript files, plus several folders:
- images: pictures used in the web
- samples: audio and TextGrid files used as samples in the web
- scripts: all the Praat scripts used in the web demos
- tmp: empty folder used to temporary save the content generated via web by the users
- WEB-INF: web.xml file
References and Citation
If you use this software and/or modify the code please cite the following publication:
- Domínguez, M., I. Latorre, M. Farrús, J. Codina and L. Wanner (2016). Praat on the Web: An Upgrade of Praat for Semi-Automatic Speech Annotation. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Osaka, Japan.