


MIT License Build Status Docker Build Go Report Card GoDoc Github All Releases Release dry

Dry is a terminal application to manage Docker and Docker Swarm.

It shows information about Containers, Images and Networks, and, if running a Swarm cluster, it shows information about Nodes, Service, Stacks and the rest of Swarm constructs. It can be used with both local or remote Docker daemons.

Besides showing information, it can be used to manage Docker. Most of the commands that the official Docker CLI provides, are available in dry with the same behaviour. A list of available commands and their keybindings can be found in dry's help screen or in this README.

Lastly, it can also be used as a monitoring tool for Docker containers.

Dry is installed as a single binary and does not require external libraries.

The demo below shows a dry session.


dry keybinds


<kbd>%</kbd>filter list
<kbd>F1</kbd>sort list
<kbd>F5</kbd>refresh list
<kbd>F7</kbd>toggle showing Docker daemon information
<kbd>F8</kbd>show docker disk usage
<kbd>F9</kbd>show last 10 docker events
<kbd>F10</kbd>show docker info
<kbd>1</kbd>show container list
<kbd>2</kbd>show image list
<kbd>3</kbd>show network list
<kbd>4</kbd>show volumes list
<kbd>5</kbd>show node list (on Swarm mode)
<kbd>6</kbd>show service list (on Swarm mode)
<kbd>7</kbd>show stacks list (on Swarm mode)
<kbd>ArrowUp</kbd>move the cursor one line up
<kbd>ArrowDown</kbd>move the cursor one line down
<kbd>g</kbd>move the cursor to the top
<kbd>G</kbd>move the cursor to the bottom
<kbd>q</kbd>quit dry

Container commands

<kbd>Enter</kbd>show container command menu
<kbd>F2</kbd>toggle on/off showing stopped containers
<kbd>l</kbd>container logs
<kbd>Ctrl+e</kbd>remove all stopped containers
<kbd>Ctrl+l</kbd>container logs with Docker timestamps

Image commands

<kbd>r</kbd>run command in new container
<kbd>Ctrl+d</kbd>remove dangling images
<kbd>Ctrl+e</kbd>remove image
<kbd>Ctrl+f</kbd>remove image (force)
<kbd>Ctrl+u</kbd>remove unused images

Network commands

<kbd>Ctrl+e</kbd>remove network

Volume commands

<kbd>Ctrl+a</kbd>remove all volumes
<kbd>Ctrl+e</kbd>remove volume
<kbd>Ctrl+f</kbd>remove volume (force)
<kbd>Ctrl+u</kbd>remove unused volumes

Service commands

<kbd>i</kbd>inspect service
<kbd>l</kbd>service logs
<kbd>Ctrl+l</kbd>service logs with Docker timestamps
<kbd>Ctrl+r</kbd>remove service
<kbd>Ctrl+s</kbd>scale service
<kbd>Ctrl+u</kbd>update service
<kbd>Enter</kbd>show service tasks

Moving around buffers

<kbd>ArrowUp</kbd>move the cursor one line up
<kbd>ArrowDown</kbd>move the cursor one line down
<kbd>g</kbd>move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer
<kbd>G</kbd>move the cursor to the end of the buffer
<kbd>n</kbd>after search, move forwards to the next search hit
<kbd>N</kbd>after search, move backwards to the previous search hit
<kbd>pg up</kbd>move the cursor "screen size" lines up
<kbd>pg down</kbd>move the cursor "screen size" lines down


The easiest way to install the latest binaries for Linux and Mac is to run this in a shell:

curl -sSf https://moncho.github.io/dry/dryup.sh | sudo sh
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/dry


If you dont like to curl | sh, binaries are provided.

Mac OS X / Homebrew

If you're on OS X and want to use homebrew:

brew tap moncho/dry
brew install dry


docker run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e DOCKER_HOST=$DOCKER_HOST moncho/dry

Arch Linux

yaourt -S dry-bin


Open a console, type dry. It will try to connect to:

If no connection with a Docker host succeeds, dry will exit.

dry -p launches dry with pprof package active.


All contributions are welcome.

Copyright and license

Code released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the full license text.


Built on top of:


See Awesome Docker list for similar tools to work with Docker.