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<h1 id="keyv-null-img-align-right-src-logo-svg-alt-keyv-logo-title-keyv-logo-width-100-">Keyv - Momento <img align="right" src="./keyv-logo.svg" alt="Keyv logo" title="Keyv logo" width="100"></h1> <p>This project is part of the <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/keyv">Keyv</a> suite.</p>

What and why?

This project is a Momento storage adaptor for Keyv

TTL functionality is handled directly by momento so no timestamps are stored and expired keys are cleaned up internally.


npm install --save @gomomento-poc/node-keyv-adaptor


import KeyvMomento from "@gomomento-poc/node-keyv-adaptor";

const Keyv = require('keyv');

const keyv = new Keyv({
  store: new KeyvMomento(
    new CacheClient({
      configuration: Configurations.Laptop.latest(),
      credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
        environmentVariableName: "MOMENTO_AUTH_TOKEN"
      defaultTtlSeconds: 6000

For more info, visit our website at https://gomomento.com!