

MediaWiktory, The MediaWiki Client

Gem Version Build Status

MediaWiktory is a MediaWiki (think Wikipedia, Wiktionary and others) API client. It is the only client that allows (almost) full access to MediaWiki API powers without loosing of Ruby powers.

No, seriously.

MediaWiki API currently is very powerful and full-featured (thought not very easy to use). Things like "fetch first 50 pages from that category alongside with their revision history and interwiki links and mediafile stats" are typically done with one carefully constructed request and return lots of useful information.

Yes, there already are several API clients for Ruby, including "official" one. Typical approach for all of them is thick wrapper around some functionality (like "login and edit pages" or "search and analyze pages"), and leave all the other cool things for generic action method (at best), or without any coverage at all.

MediaWiktory, to the contrary is:


Example 1. Fetching page's text and metadata:

api = MediaWiktory::Wikipedia::Api.new
response = api.query.       # "query" action is a basis for all pages/categories/meta receiving
  titles('Argentina').      # query page titles: Argentina
  prop(:info, :revisions).  # query page properties: info, revisions
  prop(:url, :content).     # query those properties subproperties: full URL (from info) and content (from revisions)
  response                  # perform query and parse it!

page = response['pages'].values.first
puts page['title']
# Prints:
#  Argentina
puts page['fullurl']
# Prints:
#  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentina
puts page['revisions'].first['*'].slice(0..200) # first 200 chars of page contents
# Prints:
#  {{other uses}}
#  {{pp-semi|small=yes}}
#  {{Use dmy dates|date=March 2017}}
#  {{Coord|34|S|64|W|display=title}}
#  {{Infobox country
#  |coordinates = {{Coord|34|36|S|58|23|W|type:city}}
#  |conventional_long_name = A

Note, that for using MediaWiktory API wrapper you need to understand the underlying API. While previous experience might make you expect something like api.page('Argentina').text, in fact you should use the query action, request page title 'Argentina', its :revisions property, its :content subproperty—and voila, you have a 1-element list of revisions for the page and last revisions '*' key has page's text.

The good news is all methods are documented at RubyDoc.info. Most of the time, the documentation has enough details, so you don't need to refer to MediaWiki official docs.

Example 2: Editing the page (we are editing Sandbox here, which is safe, but be careful while experimenting, this code really replaces page's text!):

token = api.query.meta(:tokens).response.dig('tokens', 'csrftoken')
response = api.edit.title('Wikipedia:Sandbox').text("Test '''me''', MediaWiktory!").token(token).response
# => {"result"=>"Success", "pageid"=>16283969, "title"=>"Wikipedia:Sandbox", "contentmodel"=>"wikitext", "oldrevid"=>779502714, "newrevid"=>779502729, "newtimestamp"=>"2017-05-09T08:24:26Z"}

# This, without token, will raise:
api.edit.title('Wikipedia:Sandbox').text("Test '''me''', MediaWiktory without token!").response
# MediaWiktory::Wikipedia::Response::Error: The "token" parameter must be set.

Example 3: Fetching all "main" page images for the pages of category:

response = api.query.                   # "query" action again
  generator(:categorymembers).          # instead of listing titles, we use "page list generator": all members of a category
  title('Category:1960s_automobiles').  # ...of this category
  prop(:pageimages).prop(:thumbnail).   # and fetch "pageimages" property, its "thumbnail" sub-property
  limit('max').                         # limit to maximum number of pages available in one response

# You can fetch ALL of them with, it will be a lot:
# response = response.continue while response.continue?

response.to_h['pages'].values.each do |page|
  puts "#{page['title']}: #{page.dig('thumbnail', 'source')}"
# AC Cobra: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e8/Shelby_AC_427_Cobra_vl_blue.jpg/50px-Shelby_AC_427_Cobra_vl_blue.jpg
# Acadian (automobile):
# Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/eb/1968_Alfa_Romeo_Tipo_33_Stradale.jpg/50px-1968_Alfa_Romeo_Tipo_33_Stradale.jpg
# Alfa Romeo 105/115 Series Coupés: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Alfa_Romeo_GT_1300_Junior.jpg/50px-Alfa_Romeo_GT_1300_Junior.jpg
# Alfa Romeo 1750 Berlina: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/20/Alfa_Romeo_1750_berlina_grey-front.JPG/50px-Alfa_Romeo_1750_berlina_grey-front.JPG
# Alfa Romeo 2000: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/Alfa_2000_touring_spider.JPG/50px-Alfa_2000_touring_spider.JPG
# Alfa Romeo 2600: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/Alfa-Romeo_2600-Spider-Touring.JPG/50px-Alfa-Romeo_2600-Spider-Touring.JPG
# ...


gem install mediawiktory

There are a lot of popular installations of MediaWiki besides Wikipedia. All of them are having different versions installed with different features enabled and custom extensions turned on.

To catch with this multitude of features, MediaWiktory provides two ways of usage.

1. Use default wrapper, generated from English Wikipedia:

require 'mediawiktory'
api = MediaWiktory::Wikipedia::Api.new # => English Wikipedia
# or
api = MediaWiktory::Wikipedia::Api.new('http://some.site/w/api.php') # => any other MediaWiki

...and wonder through docs of MediaWiktory::Wikipedia::Api class to understand what you can do.

2. Custom wrapper generation.

mediawiktory-gen -u http://some.site/w/api.php --path lib/path/to/wrapper --namespace My::Wrapper

This will generate My::Wrapper::Api class and a lot of other classes wrapping all actions and modules of target APIs. The generated code is independent of MediaWiktory (so you can exclude it from your runtime), and depends only on addressable, faraday and faraday_middleware gems.

The usage of custom wrapper is basically the same:

require 'path/to/wrapper/api'
api = My::Wrapper::Api.new
api.query # .and.so.on

You need custom wrapper if:

Generator limitations: Wrapper is generated from HTML docs of API, but currently generator can't process old MediaWiki versions ASCII docs format, which, unfortunately, is stil in use on Wikia, for example. It is subject to further development, as some "old" installations of MediaWiki provide pretty useful content and a lot of custom modules.

If you integrate wrapper generated by MediaWiktory into some other library, you should note that:


