


patch-crate lets rust app developer instantly make and keep fixes to rust crate dependencies. It's a vital band-aid for those of us living on the bleeding edge.

# fix a bug in one of your dependencies
vim target/patch/brokencrate

# run patch-crate to create a .patch file
cargo patch-crate some-crate

# commit the patch file to share the fix with your team
git add patches/some-crate+3.14.15.patch
git commit -m "fix broken_file.rs in some-crate"

Checkout our example at here.

Get started

  1. Install command patch-crate

    cargo install patch-crate
  2. Add broken crate in your Cargo.toml

    crates = ["some-crate"]
    some-crate = { path="./target/patch/some-crate-1.0.110" }
  3. Download the crate's source code into target/patch

    cargo patch-crate
  4. Fix the broken code in target/patch/some-crate directly.

  5. Create a crate-patch

    cargo patch-crate some-crate
  6. Commit the patch file to share the fix with your team

    git add patches/some-crate+1.0.110.patch
    git commit -m "fix broken-code in some-crate"
  7. Instead of running cargo patch-crate its also possible to add a build.rs file like this:

    fn main() {
       patch_crate::run().expect("Failed while patching");

    To make it work, add the patch-crate library to the build-dependencies

    patch-crate = "0.1"

Command explanation



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