

pylrkproxy - Light RTP Kernel Proxy


You should download the source package locally and run with command:

Extract project:

tar -xvf pylrkproxy-master.tar.gz -C /usr/src/
mv /usr/src/pylrkproxy-master /usr/src/pylrkproxy

Install psutil:

apt update
apt install python3-pip
pip3 install psutil

Install linux headers:

uname -r
apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Run project with command:

python3 /usr/src/pylrkproxy/pylrkproxy.py


pylrkproxy supports Python3.6+ and test on Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Structure code

In this project, requests are sent to pylrkproxy from Kamailio on the UDP socket and then sent to the kernel space via user space.

Each request contains the following commands:

Config files

The config file is in /etc/pylrkproxy/pylrkproxy.ini path.

These settings are available both in the /usr/src/pylrkproxy/conf/config.py path inside the source project and the /etc/pylrkproxy/pylrkproxy.ini path. When the project is executed, the variables inside the pylrkproxy.ini file replace the variables inside the config.py, so the priority is with the pylrkproxy.ini file.

To apply the new settings, just change the variables in the pylrkproxy.ini file and run the project again.

Default config:

start_port = 20000
end_port = 30000
current_port = 20000
internal_ip =

;It is under development
external_ip = ""

[UDP socket]
socket_udp_host =
socket_udp_port = 8080

save_call_cache = False

[UNIX socket]
forward_to = /root/sock

log_to_file = True
log_to_console = False

Log files

Use the following command to check lrkproxy_module logs:

dmesg -hs

Use the following command to check user_space and pylrkproxy logs:

tail -n 100 -f /var/log/pylrkproxy/pylrkproxy.log
tail -n 100 -f /var/log/pylrkproxy/user_space.log