


A ShinyApp to visualize and explore single cell datasets

A live version of this app is hosted here: https://mbolisetty.shinyapps.io/CellView/

A preprint describing this software is available on bioRxiv.


CellView reads expression, dimesionality reduction/clustering, and feature annotation data objects from an .Rds file, and provides functionality to quickly explore and interactively analyze single cell transcriptomic data.


The primary structure of the .Rds file comprises three dataframes, with the following object names and column names. These structures will be updated in the future to be more flexible but currently the following naming conventions are required.

Sample code to generate an .Rds file for upload to CellView

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1, as.is = T)
log2cpm <- read.csv('Data/Expression.csv', check.names = F)
featuredata <- read.csv('Databases/HG19_v74_FeatureData.csv', sep = ',')
tsne.data <- read.csv('Data/TNSE_dbscan.csv')

save(log2cpm, featuredata, tsne.data, file = 'Filename.Rds')