

Lower level ROS controllers for following joint commands with Franka Emika robot. This code runs on computer attached to the robot with real-time kernel.

System Requirements

[1] Ubuntu 18.04

[2] ROS Melodic

[3] libfranka v0.7


We assume libfranka has been setup using the instructions here.

ROS Package Dependencies

[1] We use franka_panda_description for URDFs. However, you can use another package using $robot_urdf parameter in our launch files.

[2] franka_gripper (part of franka_ros) is required for parallel jaw gripper support.


[1] mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src && cd ~/catkin_ws/src

[2] git clonehttps://github.com/mohakbhardwaj/franka_motion_control.git

[3] git clone https://github.com/frankaemika/franka_ros.git

[4] git clone https://github.com/justagist/franka_panda_description.git

[5] catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFranka_DIR:PATH=/path/to/libfranka/build

(Optional) source ~/catkin_ws/src/franka_motion_control/config/franka_setup.sh. This adds a few home configs as environment variables.


[1] Moving to Joint Configurations

roslaunch franka_motion_control move_to_joint_config.launch goal_config:="" robot_ip:="" speed_factor=""

If franka_setup.sh was sourced, we can use roslaunch franka_motion_control move_to_joint_config.launch goal_config:="${home_1}" robot_ip:="" speed_factor:="0.2"

[2] Monitor Mode

Runs robot in monitor mode where it publishes robot state to a ROS topic.

roslaunch franka_motion_control monitor_mode.launch robot_ip:="" load_gripper:="" robot_urdf:=""

Example usage:

roslaunch franka_motion_control monitor_mode.launch robot_ip:="" load_gripper:="true" robot_urdf:="$(rospack find franka_panda_description)/robots/panda_arm_hand.urdf.xacro"

You can see published joint states using (arm only)

rostopic echo /franka_motion_control/joint_states

The node also launches joint_state_publisher and robot_state_publisher. Use following to see published joint states for gripper and arm

rostopic echo joint_states

You can also view RobotModel by running RVIZ

[3] Gravity Compensation Mode

Runs robot in gravity compensation mode

roslaunch franka_motion_control gravity_mode.launch

Example usage same as Monitor Mode

[4] Tracking Controller

Runs a torque controller that tracks joint position, velocity and acceleration commands sent as sensor_msgs/JointState message.

roslaunch franka_motion_control command_mode.launch

Example usage same as Monitor Mode