

Table of contents

Quick start

git clone https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/mob
cd mob
mob -d c:\somewhere build

Extended start

Qt - CLI based install using aqt

aqt is a CLI installer for Qt, it makes installing Qt extremely quick and painless, and doesn't require a login

Installing aqt via package manager

Installing aqt via python/pip

Using aqt

aqt install-qt --outputdir "C:\Qt" windows desktop 6.7.1 win64_msvc2019_64 -m qtwebengine qtimageformats qtpositioning qtserialport qtwebchannel qtwebsockets

Qt - Manual installation

Visual Studio

Setting up MOB

mkdir C:\dev
cd C:\dev
git clone https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/mob
mob -d C:\dev\modorganizer build


Some third-parties are not normally built from source, but this can be changed in the options by setting the various tasks in [prebuilt] to false. If OpenSSL is built from source, perl is required (Strawberry Perl installer).

Changing options

mob has two ways of setting options: from INI files, the MOBINI environment variable, or from the command line.

INI files

mob builds a list of available INI files in order of priority. Higher numbers override lower numbers:

  1. The master INI mob.ini in the directory where mob.exe lives (required).
  2. Any files set in MOBINI (separated by semicolons).
  3. Another mob.ini in the current directory.
  4. Files given with --ini.

Use mob inis to see the list of INI files in order. If --no-default-inis is given, mob will skip 1) and 2). The first INI it finds after that is considered the master.

Command line

Any option can be overridden from the command like with -s task:section/key=value, where task: is optional. Some options have shortcuts, such as --dry for -s global/dry=true and -l5 for -s global:output_log_level=5. See mob options for the list of options.

INI format

Inside the INI file are [sections] and key = value pairs. The [task] section is special because it can be changed for specific tasks instead of globally. Any value under a [task_name:task] section will only apply to a task named task_name. The list of available tasks can be seen with mob list. See Task names.



dryboolWhether filesystem operations are simulated. Note that many operations will fail and that the build process will most probably not complete. This is mostly useful to get a dump of the options.
redownloadboolFor build, re-downloads archives even if they already exist.
reextractboolFor build, re-extracts archives even if the target directory already exists, in which case it is deleted first.
reconfigureboolFor build, tries to delete just enough so that configure tools (such as cmake) will run from scratch.
rebuildboolFor build, tries to delete just enough so that build tools (such as msbuild) will run from scratch.
clean_taskboolFor build, whether tasks are cleaned.
fetch_taskboolFor build, whether tasks are fetched (download, git, etc.)
build_taskboolFor build, whether tasks are built (msbuild, jobm etc.)
output_log_level[0-6]The log level for stdout: 0=silent, 1=errors, 2=warnings, 3=info (default), 4=debug, 5=trace, 6=dump. Note that 6 will dump a lot of stuff, such as debug information from curl during downloads.
file_log_level[0-6]The log level for the log file.
log_filepathThe path to a log file.
ignore_uncommittedboolWhen --redownload or --reextract is given, directories controlled by git will be deleted even if they contain uncommitted changes.


Options for individual tasks. Can be [task_name:task], where task_name is the name of a task (see mob list) , super for all MO tasks or a glob like installer_*.

enabledboolWhether this task is enabled. Disabled tasks are never built. When specifying task names with mob build task1 task2..., all tasks except those given are turned off.
configurationenumWhich configuration to build, should be one of Debug, Release or RelWithDebInfo with RelWithDebInfo being the default.

Common git options

Unless otherwise stated, applies to any task that is a git repo.

mo_orgstringThe organisation name when pulling from Github. Only applies to ModOrganizer projects, plus NCC and usvfs.
mo_branchstringThe branch name when pulling from Github. Only applies to ModOrganizer projects, plus NCC and usvfs.
mo_masterstringThe fallback branch name when pulling from Github. Only applies to ModOrganizer projects, plus NCC and usvfs.
This branch is used when mo_branch does not exists. If this value is empty, the fallback mechanism is disabled (default behavior).
no_pullboolIf a repo is already cloned, a git pull will be done on it every time mob build is run. Set to false to never pull and build with whatever is in there.
ignore_tsboolMarks all the .ts files in a repo with --assume-unchanged. Note that mob git ignore-ts off can be used to revert it.
git_url_prefixstringWhen cloning a repo, the URL will be $(git_url_prefix)mo_org/repo.git.
git_shallowboolWhen true, clones with --depth 1 to avoid having to fetch all the history. Defaults to true for third-parties.

Git credentials

These are used to set user.name and user.email. Applies to any task that is a git repo.


Origin and upstream remotes

When git clones, it automatically creates a remote named origin for the URL that was cloned. When set_origin_remote is true, this will:

  1. Rename origin to upstream, and
  2. Create a new origin with the given parameters.
set_origin_remoteboolEnables the feature
remote_orgstringOrganisation on Github for the new remote. The URL will be git@github.com:org/git_file, where git_file is the repo.git file for the current task.
remote_keystringA PuTTY key, saved in remote.origin.puttykeyfile. Optional.
remote_no_push_upstreamboolSets the push URL for upstream to nopushurl to avoid accidental pushes.
remote_push_default_originboolSets origin as the default push remote.

For example, this will create an origin remote for all ModOrganizer2 projects and mark all .ts files as --assume-unchanged.

ignore_ts                  = true
git_username               = isanae
git_email                  = isanae@users.noreply.github.com
set_origin_remote          = true
remote_org                 = isanae
remote_key                 = private.ppk
remote_no_push_upstream    = true
remote_push_default_origin = true


The various tools in this section are used verbatim when creating processes and so will be looked in the PATH environment variable. vcvars is best left empty, it will be found using the vswhere.exe that's bundled as a third-party.


Some tasks can use prebuilt binaries instead of building from source.


The versions for all the tasks.


The only path that's required is prefix, which is where mob will put everything. Within this directory will be build/, downloads/ and install/. Everything else is derived from it.

If mob is unable to find the Qt installation directory, it can be specified in qt_install. This directory should contain bin/, include/, etc. It's typically something like C:\Qt\6.5.1\msvc2019_64\. The other path qt_bin will be derived from it, it's just $qt_install/bin/.

Command line

Do mob --help for global options and the list of available commands. Do mob <command> --help for more help about a command.

To use global options with command options, ensure command options are together, with no global options in the middle.

Global options

--iniAdds an INI file, see INI files.
--drySimulates filesystem operations. Note that many operations will fail and that the build process will stop with errors. This is mostly useful to get a dump of the options.
-log-levelThe log level for stdout: 0=silent, 1=errors, 2=warnings, 3=info (default), 4=debug, 5=trace, 6=dump. Note that 6 will dump a lot of stuff, such as debug information from curl during downloads.
--destinationThe build directory where mob will put everything.
--setSets an option: -s task:section/key=value.
--no-default-inisDoes not auto detect INI files, only uses --ini.


Builds tasks. The order in which tasks have to be built is handled by mob, but dependencies will not be built automatically when specifying tasks manually. That is, mob build will build python before pyqt, but mob build pyqt will not build python. Many tasks will be able to run in parallel, but not all, either because they hog the CPU (such as usvfs) or because they have dependencies that have to be built first.

If any task fails to build, all the active tasks are aborted as quickly as possible.

Task names

Each task has a name, some have more. MO tasks for example have a full name that corresponds to their git repo (such as modorganizer-game_features) and a shorter name (such as game_features). Both can be used interchangeably. The task name can also be super, which refers to all repos hosted on the Mod Organizer Github account, minus libbsarch, usvfs and NexusClientCli. Globs can be used, like installer_*. See mob list for a list of all available tasks.


--redownloadRe-downloads files. If a download file is found in prefix/downloads, it is never re-downloaded. This will delete the file and download it again.
--reextractDeletes the source directory for a task and re-extracts archives. If the directory is controlled by git, deletes it and clones again. If git finds modifications in the directory, the operation is aborted (see --ignore-uncommitted-changes.
--reconfigureReconfigures the task by running cmake, configure scripts, etc. Some tasks might have to delete the whole source directory.
--rebuildCleans and rebuilds projects. Some tasks might have to delete the whole source directory
--newImplies all the four flags above.
--clean-task,<br>--no-clean-taskSets whether tasks are cleaned. With --no-clean-task, the flags above are ignored.
--fetch-task,<br>--no-fetch-taskSets whether tasks are fetched. With --no-fetch-task, nothing is downloaded, extracted, cloned or pulled.
--build-task,<br>--no-build-taskSets whether tasks are built. With --no-build-task, nothing is ever built or installed.
--pull,<br>--no-pullFor repos that are controlled by git, whether to pull repos that are already cloned. With --no-pull, once a repo is cloned, it is never updated automatically.
--revert-ts,<br>--no-revert-tsMost projects will generate .ts files for translations. These files are typically not committed to Github and so will often conflict when trying to pull. With --revert-ts, any .ts file is reverted before pulling.
--ignore-uncommitted-changesWith --reextract, ignores repos that have uncommitted changes and deletes the directory without confirmation.
--keep-msbuildmob starts a lot of msbuild.exe processes, some of which hold locks on the build directory. Because that's pretty darn annoying, mob will kill all msbuild.exe processes when it finished, unless this flag is given.
<task>...List of tasks to run, see Task names.


Lists all the available task names. If a task has multiple names, they are all shown, separated by a comma.


--allShows a task tree to see which are built in parallel.
<task>...This is the same list of tasks that can be given in the build command. With --all, this will only show the tasks that would be built.


Lists all the options after parsing the INIs and the command line.


Creates a release in prefix/releases. Only supports devbuilds for now. A release is made out of three archives:

The archive filename is Mod.Organizer-version-suffix-what.7z, where:


--bin,<br>--no-binWhether the binary archive is created [default: yes]
--pdbs,<br>--no-pdbsWhether the PDBs archive is created [default: yes]
--src,<br>--no-srcWhether the source archive is created [default: yes]
--version-from-exeRetrieves version information from ModOrganizer.exe [default]
--version-from-rcRetrieves version information from modorganizer/src/version.rc
--rc <PATH>Overrides the path to version.rc
--version <VERSION>Overrides the version string, ignores --version-from-exe and --version-from-rc
--output-dir <PATH>Sets the output directory to use instead of prefix/releases
--suffix <SUFFIX>Optional suffix to add to the archive filenames
--forcemob will refuse to create a source archive over 20MB because it would probably be incorrect. This ignores the file size warnings and creates the archive regardless of its size.


Various commands to manage the git repos. Includes usvfs, NexusClientCli and all the projects under modorganizer_super.


Does the same thing as the when set_origin_remotes is set in the INI: renames origin to upstream and adds a new origin with the options below. See Origin and upstream remotes.

--username <USERNAME>Git username
--email <EMAIL>Git email
--key <PATH>Path to a putty key
--no-pushDisables pushing to upstream by changing the push url to nopushurl to avoid accidental pushes
--push-originSets the new origin remote as the default push target
<path>Only use this repo instead of going through all of them


Simply adds a new remote with the given parameters to all the git repos.

-name <NAME>Name of new remote
--username <USERNAME>Git username
--key <PATH>Path to a putty key
--push-originSets this new remote as the default push target
<path>Only use this repo instead of going through all of them


Runs cmake in a directory, as if mob had done it as part of the build process for a modorganizer project. The cmake invocation will contain all variables required for cmake_common to work.

By default, this runs:

  -G "Visual Studio version year"
  -A x64
  <all defines>


--generator <GEN>Sets the -G option
--cmdSets the last bit of the command, defaults to ..
--x86, --x64Whether to use the 32-bit or 64-bit vcvars. If --generator is not given, also sets -A.
--install-prefix <PATH>Passes -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> to cmake


Shows a list of the all the INIs that would be loaded, in order of priority. See INI files.