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πŸ“‹ Contents

πŸ“ Introduction

EvalScope is ModelScope's official framework for model evaluation and benchmarking, designed for diverse assessment needs. It supports various model types including large language models, multimodal, embedding, reranker, and CLIP models.

The framework accommodates multiple evaluation scenarios such as end-to-end RAG evaluation, arena mode, and inference performance testing. It features built-in benchmarks and metrics like MMLU, CMMLU, C-Eval, and GSM8K. Seamlessly integrated with the ms-swift training framework, EvalScope enables one-click evaluations, offering comprehensive support for model training and assessment πŸš€

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/en/_static/images/evalscope_framework.png" width="70%"> <br>EvalScope Framework. </p> <details><summary>Framework Description</summary>

The architecture includes the following modules:

  1. Model Adapter: The model adapter is used to convert the outputs of specific models into the format required by the framework, supporting both API call models and locally run models.
  2. Data Adapter: The data adapter is responsible for converting and processing input data to meet various evaluation needs and formats.
  3. Evaluation Backend:
    • Native: EvalScope’s own default evaluation framework, supporting various evaluation modes, including single model evaluation, arena mode, baseline model comparison mode, etc.
    • OpenCompass: Supports OpenCompass as the evaluation backend, providing advanced encapsulation and task simplification, allowing you to submit tasks for evaluation more easily.
    • VLMEvalKit: Supports VLMEvalKit as the evaluation backend, enabling easy initiation of multi-modal evaluation tasks, supporting various multi-modal models and datasets.
    • RAGEval: Supports RAG evaluation, supporting independent evaluation of embedding models and rerankers using MTEB/CMTEB, as well as end-to-end evaluation using RAGAS.
    • ThirdParty: Other third-party evaluation tasks, such as ToolBench.
  4. Performance Evaluator: Model performance evaluation, responsible for measuring model inference service performance, including performance testing, stress testing, performance report generation, and visualization.
  5. Evaluation Report: The final generated evaluation report summarizes the model's performance, which can be used for decision-making and further model optimization.
  6. Visualization: Visualization results help users intuitively understand evaluation results, facilitating analysis and comparison of different model performances.

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πŸ› οΈ Installation

Method 1: Install Using pip

We recommend using conda to manage your environment and installing dependencies with pip:

  1. Create a conda environment (optional)

    # It is recommended to use Python 3.10
    conda create -n evalscope python=3.10
    # Activate the conda environment
    conda activate evalscope
  2. Install dependencies using pip

    pip install evalscope                # Install Native backend (default)
    # Additional options
    pip install evalscope[opencompass]   # Install OpenCompass backend
    pip install evalscope[vlmeval]       # Install VLMEvalKit backend
    pip install evalscope[rag]           # Install RAGEval backend
    pip install evalscope[perf]          # Install Perf dependencies
    pip install evalscope[all]           # Install all backends (Native, OpenCompass, VLMEvalKit, RAGEval)

[!WARNING] As the project has been renamed to evalscope, for versions v0.4.3 or earlier, you can install using the following command:

pip install llmuses<=0.4.3

To import relevant dependencies using llmuses:

from llmuses import ...

Method 2: Install from Source

  1. Download the source code

    git clone https://github.com/modelscope/evalscope.git
  2. Install dependencies

    cd evalscope/
    pip install -e .                  # Install Native backend
    # Additional options
    pip install -e '.[opencompass]'   # Install OpenCompass backend
    pip install -e '.[vlmeval]'       # Install VLMEvalKit backend
    pip install -e '.[rag]'           # Install RAGEval backend
    pip install -e '.[perf]'          # Install Perf dependencies
    pip install -e '.[all]'           # Install all backends (Native, OpenCompass, VLMEvalKit, RAGEval)

πŸš€ Quick Start

To evaluate a model on specified datasets using default configurations, this framework supports two ways to initiate evaluation tasks: using the command line or using Python code.

Method 1. Using Command Line

Execute the eval command in any directory:

evalscope eval \
 --model Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct \
 --datasets gsm8k arc \
 --limit 5

Method 2. Using Python Code

When using Python code for evaluation, you need to submit the evaluation task using the run_task function, passing a TaskConfig as a parameter. It can also be a Python dictionary, yaml file path, or json file path, for example:

Using Python Dictionary

from evalscope.run import run_task

task_cfg = {
    'model': 'Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct',
    'datasets': ['gsm8k', 'arc'],
    'limit': 5

<details><summary>More Startup Methods</summary>

Using TaskConfig

from evalscope.run import run_task
from evalscope.config import TaskConfig

task_cfg = TaskConfig(
    datasets=['gsm8k', 'arc'],


Using yaml file


model: Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct
  - gsm8k
  - arc
limit: 5
from evalscope.run import run_task


Using json file


    "model": "Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct",
    "datasets": ["gsm8k", "arc"],
    "limit": 5
from evalscope.run import run_task


Basic Parameter

Output Results

| Model                 | ai2_arc           | gsm8k           |
| Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct | (ai2_arc/acc) 0.6 | (gsm8k/acc) 0.6 |

βš™οΈ Complex Evaluation

For more customized evaluations, such as customizing model parameters or dataset parameters, you can use the following command. The evaluation startup method is the same as simple evaluation. Below shows how to start the evaluation using the eval command:

evalscope eval \
 --model Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct \
 --model-args revision=master,precision=torch.float16,device_map=auto \
 --generation-config do_sample=true,temperature=0.5 \
 --dataset-args '{"gsm8k": {"few_shot_num": 0, "few_shot_random": false}}' \
 --datasets gsm8k \
 --limit 10


Reference: Full Parameter Description

Evaluation Backend

EvalScope supports using third-party evaluation frameworks to initiate evaluation tasks, which we call Evaluation Backend. Currently supported Evaluation Backend includes:

Model Serving Performance Evaluation

A stress testing tool focused on large language models, which can be customized to support various dataset formats and different API protocol formats.

Reference: Performance Testing πŸ“– User Guide

Supports wandb for recording results

wandb sample

Supports Speed Benchmark

It supports speed testing and provides speed benchmarks similar to those found in the official Qwen reports:

Speed Benchmark Results:
| Prompt Tokens | Speed(tokens/s) | GPU Memory(GB) |
|       1       |      50.69      |      0.97      |
|     6144      |      51.36      |      1.23      |
|     14336     |      49.93      |      1.59      |
|     30720     |      49.56      |      2.34      |

Custom Dataset Evaluation

EvalScope supports custom dataset evaluation. For detailed information, please refer to the Custom Dataset Evaluation πŸ“–User Guide

Arena Mode

The Arena mode allows multiple candidate models to be evaluated through pairwise battles, and can choose to use the AI Enhanced Auto-Reviewer (AAR) automatic evaluation process or manual evaluation to obtain the evaluation report.

Refer to: Arena Mode πŸ“– User Guide

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