

Mockito Scala

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The most popular mocking framework for Java, now in Scala!!!

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Why separate project?

The library has independent developers, release cycle and versioning from core mockito library (https://github.com/mockito/mockito). This is intentional because core Mockito developers don't use Scala and cannot confidently review PRs, and set the vision for the Scala library.


Note: For more examples and use cases than the ones shown below, please refer to the library's tests

Getting started


For a more detailed explanation read this

This trait wraps the API available on org.mockito.Mockito from the Java version, but it provides a more Scala-like syntax, mainly

The companion object also extends the trait to allow the usage of the API without mixing-in the trait in case that's desired


For a more detailed explanation read this

This trait exposes all the existent org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers but again it gives them a more Scala-like syntax, mainly

Again, the companion object also extends the trait to allow the usage of the API without mixing-in the trait in case that's desired

Value Class Matchers

The matchers for the value classes always require the type to be explicit, apart from that, they should be used as any other matcher, e.g.

when(myObj.myMethod(anyVal[MyValueClass]) thenReturn "something"

myObj.myMethod(MyValueClass(456)) shouldBe "something"


Improved ArgumentCaptor

For a more detailed explanation read this

A new set of classes were added to make it easier, cleaner and more elegant to work with ArgumentCaptors, they also add support to capture value classes without any annoying syntax

There is a new trait org.mockito.captor.ArgCaptor[T] that exposes a nicer API


val aMock  = mock[Foo]
val captor = argumentCaptor[String]

aMock.stringArgument("it worked!")


captor.getValue shouldBe "it worked!"


val aMock  = mock[Foo]
val captor = Captor[String]

aMock.stringArgument("it worked!")


captor <-> "it worked!" 
captor shouldHave "it worked!"

As you can see there is no need to call capture() nor getValue anymore (although they're still there if you need them)

There is another constructor ValCaptor[T] that should be used to capture value classes

Both Captor[T] and ValCaptor[T] return an instance of ArgCaptor[T] so the API is the same for both


This is a wrapper around org.mockito.MockitoSession, it's main purpose (on top of having a Scala API) is to improve the search of mis-used mocks and unexpected invocations to reduce debugging effort when something doesn't work

To use it just wrap your code with it, e.g.

MockitoScalaSession().run {
    val foo = mock[Foo]
    when(foo.bar("pepe")) thenReturn "mocked"
    foo.bar("pepe") shouldBe "mocked"

That's it! that block of code will execute within a session which will take care of checking the use of the framework and, if the test fails, it will try to find out if the failure could be related to a mock being used incorrectly


For a more detailed explanation read this

If you mix-in this trait on your test class after your favourite Spec trait, you will get an automatic MockitoScalaSession around each one of your tests, so all of them will run in Strict Stub mode.

This trait also includes org.mockito.MockitoSugar and org.mockito.ArgumentMatchersSugar so you have pretty much all the mockito-scala API available in one go, i.e.

class MyTest extends WordSpec with MockitoFixture

In case you want to use the Idiomatic Syntax just do

class MyTest extends WordSpec with IdiomaticMockitoFixture

IMPORTANT: A session is defined on a per-test basis, and only the mocks created within the scope of the session are handled by it, so if you have class level fields with mocks, i.e. mocks that are not created within the test, they will be ignored by the session. If you use the same mocks in all or most of the tests and want to avoid the boilerplate while still usfing the advantages of strict stubbing then declare those mocks in a setup trait.

class MySpec extends WordSpec with MockitoFixture {
   trait Setup {
      val myMock = mock[Sth] 
      myMock.someMethod shouldReturn "something" /*stub common to **all** tests -notice that if it's not used by all of them then the session will find it as an unused stubbing on those-*/

   "some feature" should {
       "test whatever i want" in new Setup {
            myMock.someOtherMethod(*) shouldReturn None /*stub specific only to this test*/

      "test something else" in new Setup {
             myMock.someOtherMethod("expected value") shouldReturn Some("result")  /*stub specific only to this test*/

This will give you a fresh new instance of myMock for each test but at the same time you only declare the creation/common stubbing once.


Inspired by this StackOverflow question, mockito-scala provides this trait that helps to automatically reset any existent mock after each test is run The trait has to be mixed after org.mockito.MockitoSugar in order to work, otherwise your test will not compile The code shown in the StackOverflow question would look like this if using this mechanism

NOTE: MockitoFixture and ResetMocksAfterEachTest are mutually exclusive, so don't expect them to work together

class MyTest extends PlaySpec with MockitoSugar with ResetMocksAfterEachTest

private val foo = mock[Foo]

override def fakeApplication(): Application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().overrides(bind[Foo].toInstance(foo)).build

The main advantage being we don't have to remember to reset each one of the mocks...

If for some reason we want to have a mock that is not reset automatically while using this trait, then it should be created via the companion object of org.mockito.MockitoSugar so is not tracked by this mechanism

Idiomatic Mockito

By adding the trait org.mockito.IdiomaticMockito you get access to some improved methods in the API

This API is heavily inspired on Scalatest's Matchers, so if have used them, you'll find it very familiar

Here we can see the old syntax on the left and the new one on the right

trait Foo {
    def bar: String
    def bar(v: Int): Int
val aMock = mock[Foo]  
when(aMock.bar) thenReturn "mocked!"                            <=> aMock.bar shouldReturn "mocked!"
when(aMock.bar) thenReturn "mocked!" thenReturn "mocked again!" <=> aMock.bar shouldReturn "mocked!" andThen "mocked again!"
when(aMock.bar) thenCallRealMethod()                            <=> aMock.bar shouldCallRealMethod
when(aMock.bar).thenThrow[IllegalArgumentException]             <=> aMock.bar.shouldThrow[IllegalArgumentException]
when(aMock.bar) thenThrow new IllegalArgumentException          <=> aMock.bar shouldThrow new IllegalArgumentException
when(aMock.bar) thenAnswer(_ => "mocked!")                      <=> aMock.bar shouldAnswer "mocked!"
when(aMock.bar(any)) thenAnswer(_.getArgument[Int](0) * 10)     <=> aMock.bar(*) shouldAnswer ((i: Int) => i * 10)

doReturn("mocked!").when(aMock).bar                             <=> "mocked!" willBe returned by aMock bar
doAnswer(_ => "mocked!").when(aMock).bar                        <=> "mocked!" willBe answered by aMock bar
doAnswer(_.getArgument[Int](0) * 10).when(aMock).bar(any)       <=> ((i: Int) => i * 10) willBe answered by aMock bar *
doCallRealMethod.when(aMock).bar                                <=> theRealMethod willBe called by aMock bar
doThrow(new IllegalArgumentException).when(aMock).bar           <=> new IllegalArgumentException willBe thrown by aMock bar
verifyZeroInteractions(aMock)                                   <=> aMock was never called
verify(aMock).bar                                               <=> aMock wasCalled on bar
verify(aMock, only).bar                                         <=> aMock wasCalled onlyOn bar
verify(aMock, never).bar                                        <=> aMock was never called on bar
verify(aMock, times(2)).bar                                     <=> aMock wasCalled twiceOn bar
verify(aMock, times(6)).bar                                     <=> aMock wasCalled sixTimesOn bar
verifyNoMoreInteractions(aMock)                                 <=> aMock was never called again

val order = inOrder(mock1, mock2)                               <=> InOrder(mock1, mock2) { implicit order =>
order.verify(mock2).someMethod()                                <=>   mock2 wasCalled on someMethod ()
order.verify(mock1).anotherMethod()                             <=>   mock1 wasCalled on anotherMethod () 
                                                                <=> }

As you can see the new syntax reads a bit more natural, also notice you can use * instead of any[T]

Check the tests for more examples

Default Answers

We defined a new type org.mockito.DefaultAnswer which is used to configure the default behaviour of a mock when a non-stubbed invocation is made on it.

The object org.mockito.DefaultAnswers contains each one of the provided ones

All the mocks created will use ReturnsSmartNulls by default, this is different to the Java version, which returns null for any non-primitive or non-final class.

A "Smart Null", is nothing else than a mock of the type returned by the called method. The main advantage of doing that is that if the code tries to call any method on this mock, instead of failing with a NPE the mock will throw a different exception with a hint of the non-stubbed method that was called (including its params), this should make much easier the task of finding and fixing non-stubbed calls

Most of the Answers defined in org.mockito.Answers have it's counterpart in org.mockito.DefaultAnswers, and on top of that we also provide ReturnsEmptyValues which will try its best to return an empty object for well known types, i.e. Nil for List, None for Option etc. This DefaultAnswer is not part of the default behaviour as we think a SmartNull is better, to explain why, let's imagine we have the following code.

class UserRepository {
  def find(id: Int): Option[User]
class UserController(userRepository: UserRepository) {
  def get(userId: Int): Option[Json] = userRepository.find(userId).map(_.toJson)

class UserControllerTest extends WordSpec with IdiomaticMockito {

  "get" should {
     "return the expected json" in {
        val repo = mock[UserRepository]
        val testObj = new UserController(repo)

        testObj.get(123) shouldBe Some(Json(....)) //overly simplified for clarity

Now, in that example that test could fail in 3 different ways

  1. With the standard implementation of Mockito, the mock would return null and we would get a NullPointerException, which we all agree it's far from ideal, as it's hard to know where did it happen in non trivial code
  2. With the default/empty values, we would get a None, so the final result would be None and we will get an assertion error as None is not Some(Json(....)), but I'm not sure how much improvement over the NPE this would be, because in a non-trivial method we may have many dependencies returning Option and it could be hard to track down which one is returning None and why
  3. With a smart-null, we would return a mock[Option] and as soon as our code calls to .map() that mock would fail with an exception telling you what non-stubbed method was called and on which mock (in the example would say something you called the find method on some mock of type UserRepository)

And that's why we use option 3 as default

Of course you can override the default behaviour, for this you have 2 options

  1. If you wanna do it just for a particular mock, you can, at creation time do mock[MyType](MyDefaultAnswer)
  2. If you wanna do it for all the mocks in a test, you can define an implicit, i.e. implicit val defaultAnswer: DefaultAnswer = MyDefaultAnswer

DefaultAnswers are also composable, so for example if you wanted empty values first and then smart nulls you could do implicit val defaultAnswer: DefaultAnswer = ReturnsEmptyValues orElse ReturnsSmartNulls


Dead code warning

if you have enabled the compiler flag -Ywarn-dead-code, you will see the warning dead code following this construct when using the any or * matchers , this is because in some cases the compiler can not infer the return type of those matchers and it will default to Nothing, and this compiler warning is shown every time Nothing is found on our code. This will NOT affect the behaviour of Mockito nor your test in any way, so it can be ignored, but in case you want to get rid of it then you have 2 options:

  1. If you are not too fuss about dead code warnings in test code, you can add scalacOptions in Test -= "-Ywarn-dead-code" to your build.sbt and that warning will be ignored for your tests only
  2. If you wanna keep the warning enabled for potentially real dead code statements, but get rid of the warnings related to the matchers usage then you have to explicitly provide the type for the matcher, thus any would become any[MyType] and * would become *[MyType] (you can also use anyShort, anyInt, etc for the primitive types)

Scala 2.11

Please note that in Scala 2.11 the following features are not supported



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details