


MoBIE Fiji Viewer

MoBIE is a Fiji plugin for exploring and sharing big multi-modal image and associated tabular data.


The MoBIE was initially developed to explore a cellular atlas for the biological model system Platynereis dumerilii, see: Whole-body integration of gene expression and single-cell morphology. However, the framework turned out to be so useful and generalisable that it is now used for other projects as well, e.g. see all the repositories ending on "-project" here.


If you use MoBIE in your research, please cite our preprint on bioRxiv.

<!--- TODO we should also list important dependencies, FIJI, BDV, ? -->


Tutorials for installing & using MoBIE are available at https://mobie.github.io/. For a quick start - see below:


  1. Please install Fiji on your computer.
  2. Restart Fiji and install the MoBIE update site (how to install an update site).
    • MoBIE
  3. Restart Fiji

Starting up

  1. In the Fiji search bar, type: "mobie"<br> <img width="460" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2157566/86445323-79dfea00-bd12-11ea-8884-5e50a08660d0.png"> <br> ...and click [ Run ]
  2. Enter a github repository representing your datasets <br><img width="300" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2157566/86445504-cdeace80-bd12-11ea-996a-4a6d5d58ccc7.png">
  3. The MoBIE viewer is ready to be used:<br><img width="800" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2157566/86445771-42be0880-bd13-11ea-9627-cd1ee7b62a99.png">


Buttons in main panel

Image sources buttons

Adding an image source to BigDataViewer will also make it appear in the image sources panel, such as shown in below example.

<img width="220" alt="image" src="https://github.com/platybrowser/mmb-fiji/blob/master/images/74252332-d2740380-4ced-11ea-9a4e-d25cb1e83859.png">

To control the image sources appearance, there are several buttons...

...and checkboxes:

Keyboard shortcuts in BigDataViewer window

There are many useful keyboard shortcuts. Please consult the [ help ] button in the main panel for valuable information.

Exploring segmentations

Viewing a segmentation will show the segmented objects as a coloured overlay in the viewer and, if available, also show a corresponding table where each row corresponds to one segmented object in the image.

Interacting with image segments in BigDataViewer

Image segments can be interacted with in the BigDataViewer window, please see here.

Interacting with image segments in the table

The image segments table is interactive.

Moreover, the table has its own menu. Important menu entries include:

Advanced options

By default the MoBIE plugin fetches the data from github and a publicly accessible object store. However it can also be configured to fetch the data from other locations, such as a local file-server. To access this functionality please type in Fiji’s search bar: "Open MoBIE Project Expert Mode". You can find a minimal example for setting up data for MoBIE here.