

RII_Pandas (refractiveindex.info-pandas)

PyPI version Anaconda Version Lint and Test

Python 3 + Pandas wrapper for the refractiveindex.info database developed by Mikhail Polyanskiy.

Pandas DataFrame creation was made with modified versions of dboperations.py from refractiveindex.info-sqlite package developed by Hugo Guillén.



Install and update using pip

$ pip install -U riip

Install using conda

$ conda install -c mnishida riip


>>> import riip
>>> ri = riip.RiiDataFrame()

Polyanskiy's 'refractiveindex.info database' is cloned from GitHub repository, and three csv files, 'catalog.csv', 'raw_data.csv' and 'grid_data.csv' are created. They are located in 'data' folder under the installation directory. This process may take a few minutes, but it will happen only the first time you start it after installation.

>>> ri.search("Al")                      # search material contains the string
>>> ri.select(
      "2.5 < n < 3 and 0.4 < wl < 0.8"
    )                                    # select materials that fullfill the condition
>>> print(ri.show([23, 118]))            # show catalog
>>> print(ri.read(23))                   # read the data book
>>> ri.references(23)                    # see references
>>> ri.plot(23, "n")                     # plot wavelength dependence of refractive index

>>> Al = ri.material(
  {"book": "Al", "page": "Mathewson"})   # create material with book and page
>>> Al = ri.material({"id": 23})         # create material with id number

It may not be safe to use "id" in your application importing this package. The id number may be changed when an update is done on your local database.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> wls = np.linspace(0.5, 1.6)          # wavelength from 0.5 μm to 1.6 μm
>>> Al.n(wls)                            # refractive index
>>> Al.k(wls)                            # extinction coefficient
>>> Al.eps(wls)                          # complex permittivity

For more information, see RII_Pandas User's Guide.

Update database

If refractiveindex.info database is updated, you can pull it to the local database by

>>> import riip
>>> ri = riip.RiiDataFrame()
>>> ri.update_db()


$ pip uninstall riip


$ conda uninstall riip


