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Manifest is the simplest backend you can find:

# manifest/backend.yml
name: Healthcare application 🏥

  Doctor 👩🏾‍⚕️:
      - fullName
      - avatar
      - { name: price, type: money, options: { currency: EUR } }
      - City

  Patient 🤒:
      - fullName
      - { name: birthdate, type: date }
      - Doctor

  City 🌍:
      - name

<a href="https://stackblitz.com/fork/github/mnfst/manifest/tree/master/examples/main-demo?file=manifest/backend.yml" target="_blank"><img alt="Open in StackBlitz" src="https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg"></a>

Key features

Getting started

Simply run this terminal command to add Manifest locally:

npx add-manifest

Manifest is on BETA. We would love to have your feedback! If something does not work as expected, please open a Github issue. For any other thing, let us know through The Manifest Discord channel.

Product roadmap

Our mission is to enable developers of all experience levels to create and share innovative solutions. As an open source product, we continuously improve Manifest through community collaboration. After our successful PoC, we are further developing the product with your feedback. Here are the upcoming features:

FeatureDescriptionRelease dateStatus
OpenAPI DocInstant live documentation for your REST APIJuly 2024✅ Available
AuthMake any entity authenticatable and add rules for endpointsAugust 2024✅ Available
ValidationCustom validation for creating and updating itemsQ4 2024✅ Available
Many-to-manyAdvanced relationship managementQ4 2024✅ Available
Media uploadAllow file and image uploads with rules and resizingQ4 2024✅ Available
HooksTrigger webhooks at specific eventsQ4 2024📝 To specify

🆕 Suggest a new feature for the next versions

Community & Resources


We welcome contributions to Manifest, Please see our Contributing Guidelines to get started and join the journey.

Thanks to our first wonderful contributors!

<a href="https://github.com/mnfst/manifest/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=mnfst/manifest" /> </a>