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Installation Instructions

This project is using a Makefile for generating a busybox-style binary, named tv-renamer, which provides two options: cli and gtk. Ensure that you have a modern stable version of Rust installed via rustup. If you are packaging for Debian, ensure that you have cargo deb installed.

make && sudo make install

GTK3 Manual

GTK3 Screenshot

The use of this application should be fairly straightforward. The program uses the /etc/mime.types file to only detect videos in a given directory, and does not make a distinction between what is or is not part of the series, so ensure that the only video files in the directory that you are renaming contains the episodes that you are wanting to rename, and ensure that the episodes are in alphabetical order. The application does not derive the episode number from the episode name, but by their alphabetical order in the directory.

The directory structure for base directories with season folders should be as follows:

Series Title/Specials/{Episodes...}

Series Title/Season 1/{Episodes...}

Series Title/Season 2/{Episodes...}

CLI Manual

If you need help with the usage of the CLI application, this manual page is also included in the program and is invokable with the -h and --help flags. The CLI interface is invoked by executing tv-renamer cli or tv-renamer, followed by your arguments of choice.

CLI Screenshot


tv-renamer - rename TV series and movies


Renames all videos in a directory according to their season and episode. If the given DIRECTORY contains season directories, it will automatically rename episodes in each season. If no DIRECTORY is given, the default path will be the current working directory. It is recommended to use the dry-run option first before committing any changes. If a target file already exists, the command will ask if it is okay to overwrite the file. Please ensure that all of the files in the directory are video files that you want renamed.


-d, --dry-run: Runs through all of the files and prints what would happen without doing anything.

-n, --series-name: Sets the name of the series to be renamed. [not optional]

-s, --season-number: Sets the season number to use when renaming a file. [default: 1]

-t, --template: Sets the template that will define the naming scheme. [default: "${Series} ${Season}x${Episode} ${TVDB_Title}"]

-e, --episode-start: Sets the episode number to start counting from. [default: 1]

-p, --pad-length: Sets the number of digits to pad the episode count for. [default: 2]

-v, --verbose: Print the changes that are occurring.

Template Tokens:


When executed inside of a directory with the name of the TV Series

one.mkv two.mkv three.mkv
> tv-renamer -n "series name"
"TV Series 1x01 Episode Title.mkv"
"TV Series 1x02 Episode Title.mkv"
"TV Series 1x03 Episode Title.mkv"

You can define your own naming scheme with --template:

> one.mkv two.mkv three.mkv
> tv-renamer -t "${Series} S${Season}E${Episode} - ${TVDB_Title}"
> "TV Series S1E01 - Episode Title.mkv" "TV Series S1E02 - Episode Title.mkv" "TV Series S1E03 - Episode Title.mkv"

The season name can also be automatically inferred:

"$series/Season1" "$series/Season2"
> tv-renamer "$series" OR cd $series && tv-renamer
"TV Series/Season1/TV Series 1x01.mkv"
"TV Series/Season1/TV Series 1x02.mkv"
"TV Series/Season2/TV Series 2x01.mkv"
"TV Series/Season2/TV Series 2x02.mkv"

Episode titles can also be pulled from the TVDB and added to the filenames.

> tv-renamer -t "${Series} ${Season}x${Episode} ${TVDB_Title}"
"TV Series/Season1/TV Series 1x01 Episode Title.mkv"


Written by Michael Aaron Murphy.