

PCRE-OCaml - Perl Compatibility Regular Expressions for OCaml

This OCaml-library interfaces the C-library PCRE (Perl-compatibility Regular Expressions). It can be used for string matching with "PERL"-style regular expressions.


PCRE-OCaml offers the following functionality for operating on strings:

Other reasons to use PCRE-OCaml:


Please consult the API for details.

A general concept the user may need to understand is that most functions allow for two different kinds of flags:

  1. "Convenience"-flags that make for readable and concise code, but which need to be translated to an internal representation on each call. Example:

    let rex = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`ANCHORED; `CASELESS] "some pattern" in
    (* ... *)

    This makes it easy to pass flags on the fly. They will be translated to the internal format automatically. However, if this happens to be in a loop, this translation will occur on each iteration. If you really need to save as much performance as possible, you should use the next approach.

  2. "Internal" flags that need to be defined and translated from "convenience"-flags before function calls, but which allow for optimum performance in loops. Example:

    let iflags = Pcre.cflags [`ANCHORED; `CASELESS] in
    for i = 1 to 1000 do
      let rex = Pcre.regexp ~iflags "some pattern constructed at runtime" in
      (* ... *)

    Factoring out the translation of flags for regular expressions may save some cycles, but don't expect too much. You can save more CPU time when lifting the creation of regular expressions out of loops. Example for what not to do:

    for i = 1 to 1000 do
      let chunks = Pcre.split ~pat:"[ \t]+" "foo bar" in
      (* ... *)


    let rex = Pcre.regexp "[ \t]+" in
    for i = 1 to 1000 do
      let chunks = Pcre.split ~rex "foo bar" in
      (* ... *)

The provided functions use optional arguments with intuitive defaults. For example, the Pcre.split-function will assume whitespace as pattern. The examples-directory contains a few example applications demonstrating the functionality of PCRE-OCaml.

Restartable (partial) pattern matching

PCRE includes an "alternative" DFA match function that allows one to restart a partial match with additional input. This is exposed by pcre-ocaml via the pcre_dfa_exec function. While this cannot be used for "higher-level" operations like extracting submatches or splitting subject strings, it can be very useful in certain streaming and search use cases.

This utop interaction demonstrates the basic workflow of a partial match that is then restarted multiple times before completing successfully:

utop # open Pcre;;
utop # let rex = regexp "12+3";;
val rex : regexp = <abstr>
utop # let workspace = Array.make 40 0;;
val workspace : int array =
  [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0;
    0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|]
utop # pcre_dfa_exec ~rex ~flags:[`PARTIAL] ~workspace "12222";;
Exception: Pcre.Error Partial.
utop # pcre_dfa_exec ~rex ~flags:[`PARTIAL; `DFA_RESTART] ~workspace "2222222";;
Exception: Pcre.Error Partial.
utop # pcre_dfa_exec ~rex ~flags:[`PARTIAL; `DFA_RESTART] ~workspace "2222222";;
Exception: Pcre.Error Partial.
utop # pcre_dfa_exec ~rex ~flags:[`PARTIAL; `DFA_RESTART] ~workspace "223xxxx";;
- : int array = [|0; 3; 0|]

Please refer to the documentation of pcre_dfa_exec and check out the dfa_restart example for more info.

Contact Information and Contributing

Please submit bugs reports, feature requests, contributions and similar to the GitHub issue tracker.

Up-to-date information is available at: https://mmottl.github.io/pcre-ocaml