


Apropos across Quicklisp libraries.

Example of apropos-function with the query: "random string":



Install dependencies

(ql:quickload '(:dexador :chipz :archive :montezuma :string-case))

REPL access

This library does not require Emacs and SLIME.

Load quicklisp-apropos.lisp. Then evaluate the apropos functions in quicklisp-apropos package from a Lisp listener.

SLIME extension

ℹ️ Please consider using SLIME :star:, that comes with this extension preinstalled.

The SLIME extension displays apropos results in Emacs buffers from which you can directly navigate to the matching definitons.

Load swank and add this repository path to swank::*load-path*, in your Lisp compiler init file (~/.sbclrc if using SBCL):

(require :swank)
(push #p"/home/marian/src/lisp/quicklisp-apropos/" swank::*load-path*)

In Emacs, add this repository path to load-path and add quicklisp-apropos to slime-contribs in ~/.emacs init file, like:

(push "/home/marian/src/lisp/quicklisp-apropos" load-path)

(setq slime-contribs '(slime-fancy quicklisp-apropos))



QUICKLISP-APROPOS package functions

Emacs commands

How it works

A Montezuma index is downloaded from the internet. Montezuma is a text search engine library for Common Lisp. The downloaded index contains information about definitions exported by all Quicklisp libraries. Apropos functions perform Montezuma queries over that index and displays the results.