

Source code

Here, we present open-source works published from the MMIC group.

RGBT Tracking code

C. L. Li, A. Lu, A. H. Zheng, Z. Tu and J. Tang, "Multi-Adapter RGBT Tracking," 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW),2019,[pdf][code]

A. Lu, C. Li, Y. Yan, J. Tang and B. Luo, "RGBT Tracking via Multi-Adapter Network with Hierarchical Divergence Loss," in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021,[pdf][code]

DAFNet code link:https://github.com/mjt1312/DAFNet

APFNet code link:https://github.com/yangmengmeng1997/APFNet

CAT/CAT++/QAT/MAFNet/ProtoTrack could be found at https://github.com/liulei970507.

Open-source code linkMFGmfDiMPADRNetJMMAC...

Tiny Object Tracking code

cooming soon...