


CocoaRestClient is a Mac OS X app for testing HTTP/Restful endpoints.

I love curl, but sometimes I need my output XML or JSON pretty printed. I want to be able to save frequent PUT and POST bodies for later and copy and paste from responses easily. Think of this as curl with a light UI.

The goal of this project is to build a lightweight native Cocoa app for testing and debugging HTTP Restful services. This project was greatly inspired by the Java rest-client (https://code.google.com/archive/p/rest-client).

Official project website: http://mmattozzi.github.io/cocoa-rest-client/

FOSSA Status


If you're not looking to compile from source and only want to use this tool, latest releases are here:

Download List

You can also install it through homebrew as a cask:

# install cask if necessary
brew tap caskroom/cask
# install CocoaRestClient
brew install --cask cocoarestclient



<img src="https://mmattozzi.github.io/cocoa-rest-client/screenshots/screenshot-1.png" width=400/>

Pretty print JSON content. Set and save HTTP headers.

<img src="https://mmattozzi.github.io/cocoa-rest-client/screenshots/screenshot-4.png" width=400/>

Pretty print XML content. Quick save of request URLs, body, and headers in one convenient drawer.

<img src="https://mmattozzi.github.io/cocoa-rest-client/screenshots/screenshot-5.png" width=400/>

Set HTTP Basic or Digest Auth. Displays HTTP response headers.

<img src="https://mmattozzi.github.io/cocoa-rest-client/screenshots/screenshot-2.png" width=400/>

Upload files using HTTP multipart requests. HTTP form encoding also supported.

<img src="https://mmattozzi.github.io/cocoa-rest-client/screenshots/screenshot-6.png" width=400/>

Unified diff tool for comparing response bodies.

Source and Contributions




FOSSA Status