


Customisable and automated HTTP header injection. Example run from the HTB machine Control:

<a href="https://asciinema.org/a/381187" target="_blank"><img src="https://asciinema.org/a/381187.svg" /></a>

InsecureSkipVerify is not currently configured, if you want to disable security checks then feel free to uncomment crypto/tls in the imports and the TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, lines in http transport configuration and then build locally.



go install github.com/mlcsec/headi@latest

Or from git:

git clone https://github.com/mlcsec/headi.git
make before.build
make build.headi
sudo mv headi /usr/local/bin


Injects the following HTTP headers:

An initial baseline request is made to gauge the normal response for the target resource. Green indicates a change in the response and red no change. [+] and [-] respectively.



Two options for HTTP header injection:

  1. Default payloads (, localhost, etc.) are injected into the headers mentioned above
  2. Custom payloads can be supplied (e.g. you've enumerated some internal IPs or domains) using the pfile parameter
$ headi
  headi -u https://target.com/resource
  headi -u https://target.com/resource -p internal_addrs.txt

  -p, --pfile <file>       Payload File
  -t, --timeout <millis>   HTTP Timeout
  -u, --url <url>          Target URL

Currently only takes one URL as input but you can easily bash script for numerous URLs like so:

$ for i in $(cat urls); do headi -url $i;done