Rational Reinforcement Learning Repository
Using Rational Networks in Simple Reinforcement Learning (Atati task so far). This repository is used in the Recurrent Rational Networks publication.
This Repository depends on:
- MushroomRL for managing agents, environments, ... etc
- Rational Activation Functions for the learnable rational activation functions
- Pytorch - For the neural network part
First, please clone this repo and go into it:
git clone
cd rational_rl
A Dockerfile is provided, to create a docker image, please run:
docker build -t rationalrl . # to create a docker image
docker run -ti --gpus all -v $(pwd):/home/rl_paus rationalrl bash
This last command will instantiate a container from your image and run bash into it.*
*You need to have nvidia-docker installed to run docker containers with GPU and CUDA support (otherwise, please drop --gpu all
Watch a trained agent play:
To watch a trained Recurrent Rational agent on Kangaroo, please provide its path: <br/>
python3 updated_agents/
Hereafter are provided some compiled example of DQN Agents (left with Leaky ReLU, center with Rational and right with Recurrent Rationals)
Enduro :oncoming_automobile:
Kangaroo :cyclone:
SpaceInvaders :space_invader:
Tennis :tennis:
*Agent is orange -
TimePilot :airplane:
Tutankham :ring:
you can find more gifs in videos/gifs_files/optim/Asterix
To train a DQN agent on Space Invaders, with recurrent rational and seed set to 0: <br/>
python3 -g SpaceInvaders -alg DQN -af rpau -s 0
To make the scores plot of the agent on Asterix and store it:<br/>
python3 -g Asterix -s
<br/> Creating the following image: <br/> -
To get the raw scores on all activation functions and all game:<br/>
python3 --all
To get the bar plot comparing rational agents and original [Leaky ReLU] agent.
python3 -h
To get the trained agents, please contact Quentin Delfosse