Modern Hopfield Networks and Attention for Immune Repertoire Classification
Michael Widrich<sup>1</sup>, Bernhard Schäfl<sup>1</sup>, Milena Pavlović<sup>3 4</sup>, Hubert Ramsauer<sup>1</sup>, Lukas Gruber<sup>1</sup>, Markus Holzleitner<sup>1</sup>, Johannes Brandstetter<sup>1</sup>, Geir Kjetil Sandve<sup>4</sup>, Victor Greiff<sup>3</sup>, Sepp Hochreiter<sup>1 2</sup>, Günter Klambauer<sup>1</sup>
(1) ELLIS Unit Linz and LIT AI Lab, Institute for Machine Learning, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
(2) Institute of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IARAI)
(3) Department of Immunology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
(4) Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
- Paper:
- Poster: neurips_poster.pdf
This package provides:
- modular and customizable DeepRC implementation for massive multiple instance learning problems, such as immune repertoire classification,
- CNN and LSTM sequence embedding,
- single- or multi-task settings (simple building-block principle),
- support for custom datasets,
- examples that you can quickly adapt to your problem settings.
Will be added:
- multiple attention heads/queries,
- Integrated Gradients analysis (write me an email (widrich at if you urgently need a preliminary version).
You can install this package via pip:
pip install --no-dependencies git+
pip install git+
To update your installation with dependencies, you can use:
pip install --no-dependencies git+
pip install --upgrade git+
To update your installation without dependencies, you can use:
pip install --no-dependencies git+
pip install --no-dependencies --upgrade git+
To run the examples,
download the github repo as .zip file, extract the .zip file,
and navigate into the extracted directory (you should see a deeprc
folder and the
Can't wait? Examples are here: deeprc/examples/
Training DeepRC on pre-defined datasets
You can train a DeepRC model on the pre-defined datasets of the DeepRC paper
using one of the Python files in folder deeprc/examples/examples_from_paper
The datasets will be downloaded automatically (please only download them once and then reuse the downloaded versions).
You can use tensorboard --logdir [results_directory] --port=6060
open http://localhost:6060/
in your web-browser to view the performance.
Real-world data with implanted signals
This is category has the smallest dataset files and is a good starting point. Training a binary DeepRC classifier on dataset "0" of category "real-world data with implanted signals":
python3 -m deeprc.examples.examples_from_paper.cmv_with_implanted_signals 0 --n_updates 10000 --evaluate_at 2000
To get more information, you can use the help function:
python3 -m deeprc.examples.examples_from_paper.cmv_with_implanted_signals -h
LSTM-generated data
Training a binary DeepRC classifier on dataset "0" of category "LSTM-generated data":
python3 -m deeprc.examples.examples_from_paper.lstm_generated 0
Simulated immunosequencing data
Training a binary DeepRC classifier on dataset "0" of category "simulated immunosequencing data":
python3 -m deeprc.examples.examples_from_paper.simulated 0
Warning: Filesize to download is ~20GB per dataset!
Real-world data
Training a binary DeepRC classifier on dataset "real-world data":
python3 -m deeprc.examples.examples_from_paper.cmv
Training DeepRC on a custom dataset
You can train DeepRC on custom text-based datasets,
such as the small example dataset deeprc/datasets/example_dataset
Specifications of the supported dataset formats are give here: deeprc/datasets/
You can change the dataset directory and task description in the examples listed below and start training a DeepRC model on your task:
Training a binary DeepRC classifier on a small random example dataset using 1D CNN sequence embedding:
python3 -m
Training DeepRC in a multi-task setting on a small random example dataset using 1D CNN sequence embedding:
python3 -m
Training DeepRC in a multi-task setting on a small random example dataset using LSTM sequence embedding:
python3 -m
The datasets will be automatically downloaded when running the examples from section "Training DeepRC on pre-defined datasets". You can also manually download the datasets here: Please see our paper for descriptions of the datasets.
|--datasets : stores datasets
| |--example_dataset : Small example dataset
| | : Information on supported dataset formats
| |--splits_used_in_paper : Dataset splits as used in paper
|--deeprc : DeepRC implementation
| | : DeepRC network architecture
| | : Converter for text-based datasets
| | : Tools for reading datasets
| | : Pre-defined datasets from paper
| | : Tools for defining the task to train DeepRC on
| | : Tools for training DeepRC model
|--examples : DeepRC examples
| |--examples_from_paper : Examples on datasets used in paper
|--neurips_poster.pdf : Poster from NeurIPS2020 poster session
I'm currently cleaning up and uploading the code for the paper. There might be (and probably are) some bugs which will be fixed soon. If you need help with running DeepRC in the meantime, feel free to write me an email (widrich at
Best wishes,
I relaxed the package versions to untested versions now. Please see the list below for the tested package versions and let me know if some higher package version fails.
- Python3.6.9 or higher
- Python packages:
- Pytorch (tested with version 1.3.1)
- numpy (tested with version 1.18.2)
- h5py (tested with version 2.9.0)
- dill (tested with version 0.3.0)
- pandas (tested with version 0.24.2)
- tqdm (tested with version 0.24.2)
- scikit-learn (tested with version 0.22.2.post1)
- requests (tested with version 2.21.0)
- tensorboard (tested with version 1.15.0)
- widis-lstm-tools (tested with version 0.4)