

I, Librarian Instructions


Automated installation using installers

You can download and execute installers for Windows 8, and 10 plus a DEB package and a console installer for Ubuntu, Debian, and its derivatives. An installer for Mac OS X is not available. These installers will install and/or configure Apache and PHP for you. If you don't want that, follow the instructions below to install manually.

Windows manual installation

Alias /librarian "C:\I, Librarian\public"
<Directory "C:\I, Librarian\public">
    AllowOverride All
    # Allow access from this computer.
    Require local
    # Allow access from intranet computers.
    Require ip 10
    Require ip 172.16 172.17 172.18 172.19 172.20
    Require ip 172.21 172.22 172.23 172.24 172.25
    Require ip 172.26 172.27 172.28 172.29 172.30 172.31
    Require ip 192.168
    # Insert Allow from directives here to allow access from the internet.
    # "Require all granted" opens access to everybody.

First use

Thank you for using I, Librarian!
