


If you are using MacOS, you will need to install Homebrew before installing the OSMgetPOI. You can find instrusctions at https://brew.sh/ or just run the following line of code in your terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

To launch and load the OSMgetPOI module with Julia v1.7 or Julia 1.8.3 on Windows, Linux and MacOS:

using Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "https://github.com/mkloe/OSMgetPOI.jl")

Note that post installation build will trigger downloading of the OSMfilter binary file.

Quick start:

julia> using OSMgetPOI
julia> osm_file = download_bbbike_file("https://download.bbbike.org/osm/bbbike/Victoria/Victoria.osm.gz"; target_filepath = tempname())
Downloading file...
File downloaded. Unzipping file...

julia> data = get_poi_df(osm_file, OSMgetPOI.POITypes.education_school, OSMgetPOI.POITypes.transport_busstop, OSMgetPOI.POITypes.cuisine_restaurant)
625×7 DataFrame
 Row │ poi_type            lat      lon       addr:street         addr:housenumber  addr:postcode  addr:country
     │ Any                 Any      Any       Any                 Any               Any            Any
   1 │ education_school    48.4716  -123.321  Gordon Head Road    3970              missing        missing
   2 │ education_school    48.4272  -123.359  missing             missing           missing        missing
   3 │ education_school    48.4632  -123.408  Burnside Road West  957               missing        missing
  ⋮  │         ⋮              ⋮        ⋮              ⋮                  ⋮                ⋮             ⋮
 623 │ cuisine_restaurant  48.4244  -123.369  Langley Street      1005              missing        missing
 624 │ cuisine_restaurant  48.45    -123.426  Admirals Road       1517              V9A 2P8        missing
 625 │ cuisine_restaurant  48.4286  -123.368  missing             missing           missing        missing

Basic information

The project consists of 2 main parts:

Proposed POI types and osmfilter queries:

The package supports the POI Types shown the table below. To add your own POITypes, go to src/POITypes.

education_kindergarden"--keep= " amenity=kindergarten ""
education_school"--keep= " amenity=school =music_school =language_school ""
education_university"--keep= " amenity=university =college ""
education_library"--keep= " amenity=library ""
cuisine_restaurant"--keep= " amenity=restaurant =fast_food =food_court ""
cuisine_pub"--keep= " amenity=pub =bar ""
cuisine_cafe"--keep= " amenity=cafe =ice_cream ""
finance_bankoratm"--keep= " amenity=bank =atm ""
transport_parking"--keep= " amenity=parking parking=* ""
transport_gas_station"--keep= " amenity=fuel ""
transport_bus_stop"--keep= " amenity=bus_station public_transport=station ""
transport_railway_station"--keep= " railway=station ""
transport_airport"--keep= " aeroway=aerodrome =terminal ""
healthcare_doctor"--keep= " amenity=clinic =doctors =dentist healthcare=* ""
healthcare_pharmacy"--keep= " amenity=pharmacy ""
healthcare_hospital"--keep= " amenity=hospital ""
entertainment_cinemaandarts"--keep= " amenity=cinema =theatre =arts_centre ""
entertainment_club"--keep= " amenity=nightclub ""
shopping_shop"--keep= " shop=* ""
shopping_marketplace"--keep= " amenity=marketplace ""
leisure_park"--keep= " leisure=garden =park =dog_park ""
leisure_sportsground"--keep= " leisure=sports_centre =sports_hall =stadium =track =pitch =horse_riding =swimming_pool =fitness_centre =fitness_station sport=fitness landuse=recreation_ground =winter_sports ""
leisure_tourism"--keep= " tourism=* ""
religion_religion"--keep= " amenity=place_of_worship ""
work_officeandindustry"--keep= " office=* industrial=* landuse=industrial ""


This research was funded in whole or in part by [National Science Centre, Poland][2021/41/B/HS4/03349]. For the software’s documentation for the purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC-BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version arising from this submission.

This Julia package is created by: Marcin Zurek, Master student @SGH Warsaw School of Economics (github.com/mkloe) under supervision of Przemysław Szufel.