vim nodemate
Collection of snippets, utilities and custom completion for node.
work in progess
Install for pathogen
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
None of these dependencies are strictly required for this plugin to work, but they are strongly recommended. The omni completion feature should work without them installed.
You need snipmate plugin installed to be able to expand the bult-in generated snippets.
You need ctrlp,
open-browser and
webapi-vim plugins to be able to use the
cd ~/.vim/bundle
# for snippets
git clone git://
# for ctrlp nodedoc extension
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
Every .html document has a corresponding .json document presenting the same information in a structured manner. This feature is experimental, and added for the benefit of IDEs and other utilities that wish to do programmatic things with the documentation.
The whole nodejs documentation is available as .json
, this allow us to
do some fancy things with this information.. like generating a bunch of
snipmate snippet.
Snippet generated from are all placed in a subdirectory
To regenerate the list of snippet, simply cd into the plugin location
(usually ~/.vim/bundle/nodemate/
) and run npm install
(this will
install devDepencies and trigger the ./bin/generate
In addition, these snippets files are used to setup the omni-completion below.
Omni Completion
:h new-omni-completion
:h complete-functions
This plugin enables and setup, for the javascript
filetype, both
and omnifunc
to complete against the list of built-in snippet
files, or if no snippets where found, using require.resolve('...')
object introspection with Object.keys(require('...'))
It should auto-complete whenever the text in front of the cursor includes one
of node's core modules, or any npm installed module. (as long as
returns the module being completed)
in Insert mode to start the completion, when the
cursor in in front of something like:
# npm install request
Preview window
If "preview"
appears in your completeopts
options, then it shows
extra information about the currently selected completion in the preview
For snippet based completion, the preview window will show the snippet content.
When using require.resolve()
, then the preview window will show the String
conversion of require(':module')['property']
. In the case of methods, it will
show you the function signature and content, which can be incredibly useful.
CtrlP Extension
Command: :CtrlPNodeDoc
is a ctrlp extensions to search through the nodejs
documentation. It'll list the identifiers parsed from On selection, openbrowser#open()
is called
with the matching URL for the selected entry.
Both open-browser
and webapi-vim
are required for this to work.
List of Snippets
Here is the full list of generated snippets, available for both snippet expands or omni-completion.
├── assert
│ ├── deepEqual.snippet
│ ├── doesNotThrow.snippet
│ ├── equal.snippet
│ ├── fail.snippet
│ ├── ifError.snippet
│ ├── notDeepEqual.snippet
│ ├── notEqual.snippet
│ ├── notStrictEqual.snippet
│ ├── ok.snippet
│ ├── strictEqual.snippet
│ └── throws.snippet
├── child_process
│ ├── exec.snippet
│ ├── execFile.snippet
│ ├── fork.snippet
│ └── spawn.snippet
├── console
│ ├── assert.snippet
│ ├── dir.snippet
│ ├── error.snippet
│ ├── info.snippet
│ ├── log.snippet
│ ├── time.snippet
│ ├── timeEnd.snippet
│ ├── trace.snippet
│ └── warn.snippet
├── crypto
│ ├── createCipher.snippet
│ ├── createCipheriv.snippet
│ ├── createCredentials.snippet
│ ├── createDecipher.snippet
│ ├── createDecipheriv.snippet
│ ├── createDiffieHellman.snippet
│ ├── createHash.snippet
│ ├── createHmac.snippet
│ ├── createSign.snippet
│ ├── createVerify.snippet
│ ├── getDiffieHellman.snippet
│ ├── pbkdf2.snippet
│ └── randomBytes.snippet
├── dgram
│ └── createSocket.snippet
├── dns
│ ├── lookup.snippet
│ ├── resolve.snippet
│ ├── resolve4.snippet
│ ├── resolve6.snippet
│ ├── resolveCname.snippet
│ ├── resolveMx.snippet
│ ├── resolveNs.snippet
│ ├── resolveSrv.snippet
│ ├── resolveTxt.snippet
│ └── reverse.snippet
├── fs
│ ├── appendFile.snippet
│ ├── appendFileSync.snippet
│ ├── chmod.snippet
│ ├── chmodSync.snippet
│ ├── chown.snippet
│ ├── chownSync.snippet
│ ├── close.snippet
│ ├── closeSync.snippet
│ ├── createReadStream.snippet
│ ├── createWriteStream.snippet
│ ├── exists.snippet
│ ├── existsSync.snippet
│ ├── fchmod.snippet
│ ├── fchmodSync.snippet
│ ├── fchown.snippet
│ ├── fchownSync.snippet
│ ├── fstat.snippet
│ ├── fstatSync.snippet
│ ├── fsync.snippet
│ ├── fsyncSync.snippet
│ ├── futimes.snippet
│ ├── futimesSync.snippet
│ ├── lchmod.snippet
│ ├── lchmodSync.snippet
│ ├── lchown.snippet
│ ├── lchownSync.snippet
│ ├── link.snippet
│ ├── linkSync.snippet
│ ├── lstat.snippet
│ ├── lstatSync.snippet
│ ├── mkdir.snippet
│ ├── mkdirSync.snippet
│ ├── open.snippet
│ ├── openSync.snippet
│ ├── read.snippet
│ ├── readFile.snippet
│ ├── readFileSync.snippet
│ ├── readSync.snippet
│ ├── readdir.snippet
│ ├── readdirSync.snippet
│ ├── readlink.snippet
│ ├── readlinkSync.snippet
│ ├── realpath.snippet
│ ├── realpathSync.snippet
│ ├── rename.snippet
│ ├── renameSync.snippet
│ ├── rmdir.snippet
│ ├── rmdirSync.snippet
│ ├── stat.snippet
│ ├── statSync.snippet
│ ├── symlink.snippet
│ ├── symlinkSync.snippet
│ ├── truncate.snippet
│ ├── truncateSync.snippet
│ ├── unlink.snippet
│ ├── unlinkSync.snippet
│ ├── unwatchFile.snippet
│ ├── utimes.snippet
│ ├── utimesSync.snippet
│ ├── watch.snippet
│ ├── watchFile.snippet
│ ├── write.snippet
│ ├── writeFile.snippet
│ ├── writeFileSync.snippet
│ └── writeSync.snippet
├── http
│ ├── createClient.snippet
│ ├── createServer.snippet
│ ├── get.snippet
│ └── request.snippet
├── https
│ ├── createServer.snippet
│ ├── get.snippet
│ └── request.snippet
├── net
│ ├── connect.snippet
│ ├── createConnection.snippet
│ ├── createServer.snippet
│ ├── isIP.snippet
│ ├── isIPv4.snippet
│ └── isIPv6.snippet
├── os
│ ├── arch.snippet
│ ├── cpus.snippet
│ ├── freemem.snippet
│ ├── hostname.snippet
│ ├── loadavg.snippet
│ ├── networkInterfaces.snippet
│ ├── platform.snippet
│ ├── release.snippet
│ ├── tmpDir.snippet
│ ├── totalmem.snippet
│ ├── type.snippet
│ └── uptime.snippet
├── path
│ ├── basename.snippet
│ ├── dirname.snippet
│ ├── extname.snippet
│ ├── join.snippet
│ ├── normalize.snippet
│ ├── relative.snippet
│ └── resolve.snippet
├── process
│ ├── abort.snippet
│ ├── chdir.snippet
│ ├── cwd.snippet
│ ├── exit.snippet
│ ├── getgid.snippet
│ ├── getuid.snippet
│ ├── hrtime.snippet
│ ├── kill.snippet
│ ├── memoryUsage.snippet
│ ├── nextTick.snippet
│ ├── setgid.snippet
│ ├── setuid.snippet
│ ├── umask.snippet
│ └── uptime.snippet
├── querystring
│ ├── parse.snippet
│ └── stringify.snippet
├── readline
│ └── createInterface.snippet
├── repl
│ └── start.snippet
├── timers
│ ├── clearInterval.snippet
│ ├── clearTimeout.snippet
│ ├── setInterval.snippet
│ └── setTimeout.snippet
├── tls_(ssl)
│ ├── connect.snippet
│ ├── createSecurePair.snippet
│ └── createServer.snippet
├── url
│ ├── format.snippet
│ ├── parse.snippet
│ └── resolve.snippet
├── util
│ ├── debug.snippet
│ ├── error.snippet
│ ├── format.snippet
│ ├── inherits.snippet
│ ├── inspect.snippet
│ ├── isArray.snippet
│ ├── isDate.snippet
│ ├── isError.snippet
│ ├── isRegExp.snippet
│ ├── log.snippet
│ ├── print.snippet
│ ├── pump.snippet
│ └── puts.snippet
├── vm
│ ├── createContext.snippet
│ ├── createScript.snippet
│ ├── runInContext.snippet
│ ├── runInNewContext.snippet
│ └── runInThisContext.snippet
└── zlib
├── createDeflate.snippet
├── createDeflateRaw.snippet
├── createGunzip.snippet
├── createGzip.snippet
├── createInflate.snippet
├── createInflateRaw.snippet
├── createUnzip.snippet
├── deflate.snippet
├── deflateRaw.snippet
├── gunzip.snippet
├── gzip.snippet
├── inflate.snippet
├── inflateRaw.snippet
└── unzip.snippet
22 directories, 205 files