


Generate vim helpfiles from markdown

:h help-writing -> http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/helphelp.html#help-writing


The bin/vim-helpfile script is a simple script parsing streaming markdown to output the according vim helpfile.

You may npm link repo or install the tarball with -g option.

$ cat readme.md | markdown-helpfile

*markdown-helpfile.txt*	Generate vim helpfiles from markdown

|markdown-helpfile|		markdown-helpfile
|markdown-helpfile-Synopsis|		Synopsis

markdown-helpfile				*markdown-helpfile*

Generate vim helpfiles from markdown

Synopsis				*markdown-helpfile-Synopsis*

The `bin/vim-helpfile` script is a simple script parsing streaming
markdown to output the according vim helpfile.

    $ cat readme.md | markdown-helpfile


Or maybe

$ cat readme.md | markdown-helpfile > doc/myplugin.txt
$ vim doc/myplugin.txt

vim plugin

This tool can also be used as a vim plugin. The plugin itself is a basic wrapper to the node script previously described.

Using pathogen

$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone git://github.com/mklabs/vim-markdown-helpfile.git
$ cd vim-markdown-helpfile && npm install

It provides a single command :MarkdownToHelpfile, only on markdown buffer type.

What it does:

The command also accepts a range, so you may convert only a small part of your markdown file. To see how it goes. Should it be useful.

That's pretty much all it does..